David Rossi X Son Reader

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Request: Can you do David Rossi's son who's about 20-25 and is in the army then comes back to surprise his dad (somewhere is season four) and everyone other than Aaron (who is his uncle) has eyes on him and thinks he's smoken hot

Third person pov...

Rossi always brags about his Son to the team, they know how proud the old man is off his son, the 23 year old had joined the army as soon as he left highschool.

As Agent David Rossi walked into the BAU headquarters, he was met with the usual busy atmosphere. His team members were scattered around the room, each engrossed in their own tasks. Rossi took a moment to take in the familiar surroundings before making his way to his office.

As he settled in his chair, his phone buzzed with a text from his son, Damien. Rossi's face lit up with a smile as he read the message. Y/N was coming home on leave from the army and wanted to surprise his dad. Rossi couldn't wait to see his son, who was now 23 years old and serving his country proudly.

Rossi had always been proud of Y/N who had joined the army straight out of high school. He had inherited his father's bravery and dedication to serving the greater good. Rossi made sure to brag about his son to the team whenever he came into town from college.

As the day went on, Rossi found it hard to focus on work as his mind was filled with excitement about seeing Y/N When it was finally time for him to leave for the day, he couldn't contain his excitement any longer and announced to the team that his son was coming home.

The team was overjoyed, and they all gathered in the conference room to meet Y/N Rossi couldn't help but smile as he watched his team interact with his son. Aaron Hotchner, who was Y/Ns uncle, gave him a tight hug while the others shook his hand or gave him a pat on the back.

After many hugs and handshakes Y/N finally got to hug his dad again. "Hi Papà, Sono a casa(1)"He whispers in Italian, his Dad smiles and hugs the young man back tightly.

"bentornato a casa, figliolo(2)" whispers Rossi, when the break awa they join in on the conversation

The H/C adult was not only in the army, but he was also studying at a prestigious university. He had inherited his father's intelligence and was excelling in his studies. As he talked about his experiences in the army and shared stories of his college life, everyone in the room couldn't help but be captivated by him.

The team couldn't deny that the man was indeed smoking hot. His H/C hair and piercing E/C eyes reminded them all of a younger version of Rossi. But it was his charm and easygoing personality that had everyone falling for him. Even Penelope Garcia, who had a soft spot for Rossi, couldn't resist the young man's charm.

As the evening went on, Rossi and his son caught up on lost time. They shared stories and laughter, and Rossi couldn't be prouder of his son. The team gathered around them, enjoying the father-son bond and feeling grateful to have Y/n as a part of the BAU family.

As they finished their shifts they took the homecoming to Rossis house, As the night went on, the house was filled with laughter and chatter.

Throughout the evening, everyone took turns talking to Y/N and learning more about the young man, with the team and his son bonding Rossi left to the kitchen.

He grabbed himself a drink and lent against the counter, a happy smile on his face. Hearing the laughter ans chatter from the living room brought love to his heart, it had been too long since his son was home.

As he stood he pulled out an old picture from his pocket, he smiles a sad smile at the picture, it was an old baby picture. Y/N 5 years old hugging his dad tightly.

Both had identical happy smiles on their faces, Rossi let's a few tears slip before he whipes then away, soon Hotch comes to find him.

"Y/n is a spitting image of you Dave" Rossi's best friend and coworker, Aaron Hotchner, said with a smile. From the living room they hear Penelope compliment the young man.

Rossi could see the blush on his sons face.blushed at the compliment, They continuted to bombarded him with questions about his life in the army and his plans for the future.

Dave smiles at the picture then looks at the man next to him. "That he has Hotch" smiles the older man.

Y/N quickly became popular amongst the team, and it was easy to see why. He was charismatic, charming, and had a great sense of humor.

Soon enough, it was time for Y/N to leave, he had to get back to his head quarters, he had just come to see his Dad for a day. the team was sad to see him go. They had all become fond of him in just a few hours.

As the young man said goodbye to everyone and made his way to the door, Penelope Garcia gave him her signature big hug and whispered in his ear, 'Come back and visit us soon. You are one smoking hot soldier.'

Y/N couldn't help but laugh and promised to come back as soon as possible. The team said their goodbyes, promising to keep in touch with the H/C young man.

As he left, the team couldn't stop talking about him and how much they all liked him. David Rossi was beaming with pride as he watched his son walk out of his home It was a pleasant surprise, indeed.

The end!

Hey guys so sorry for the wait and for not updating in ages. Last time was December fucking hell, I've been busy with my classes for college, the project I'm doing now is a alot of work but I will get through the requests I have!

Anyway hope you liked this oneshot, sorry for any grammar and Spelling mistakes.

Request are open!

Word count: 1060

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