Spencer Reid X Derek Morgan x Daughter Reader

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Request: Hello, could i request a spencer reid x daughter who gets really car sick and on a long drive with reid and morgan feels gross🤍

Tw vomiting, talk of being sick, if you you don't like these then don't read.

Third person pov...

As the sun rose in the distance, Spencer Reid and his daughter Y/N, packed their bags for their long-awaited trip to visit her grandmother in Las Vaga.

The teenager was excited to see her grandmother, she doesn't get to visit her often with her Dads work, but she couldn't shake the feeling of dread in the pit of her stomach.

She knew the long drive ahead would be difficult for her. You see Y/N  inherited his sensitive stomach and tendency to get car sick of course Spencers wasn't as bad but Y/Ns was.

As they loaded their bags into the car, Spencer's colleague and friend, Derek Morgan, joined them for the ride.

Y/Ns face lit up seeing Uncle Derek, and she quickly ran to give him a hug.  "Uncle derek! Your comkng as well!" She exclaimed, Derek grins at his niece.

"Of course i am peanut, its been a while since i last saw Mrs Reid" he tells the girl, using kne hand to put the rest of the luggage in the trunk while holding his niece.

The three of them settled into the car, with Morgan taking the wheel while Spencer sat in the passenger sear leaving Y/N in the back.

At first, Y/N was thrilled to be on the road, chatting and playing games with her dad and Uncle Derek. But as the hours passed by, her excitement turned into discomfort.

She tried her best to ignore the queasy feeling in her stomach and the constant swaying of the car, but it was getting harder by the minute.

Spencer noticed the change in his daughter's mood and asked her if she was okay. The H/C girl put on a brave face and nodded, not wanting to ruin the trip for everyone.

She didn't want to be known as the 'car sick kid,' especially in front of Uncle Derek, who she looked up to.

But as the car continued to zigzag through the winding roads, the young girls condition worsened. She started feeling hot and dizzy, and her stomach churned with every turn.

She tried to keep her focus on the road ahead, but all she could think about was how she wanted the car ride to end.

As they stopped for a bathroom break and some snacks, Y/N silently prayed for the rest of the journey to be over quickly.

She tried sipping on some water and munching on a granola bar, but her stomach refused to settle. She felt a lump form in her throat, and she knew she couldn't hold on much longer.

As they drove on, the young girl tried to distract herself by looking out the window and pointing out interesting sights along the way.

However, her stomach had other ideas and she had to close her eyes and take deep breaths to prevent herself from getting sick.

She could hear her father and uncle Derek talking in the front seat, but their voices were distant as she focused on trying to keep her stomach settled.

"Hey princess, are you feeling okay back there?" Reid's concerned voice broke through her thoughts. His daughers eyes flicked open and she saw her father looking back at her through the rearview mirror.

"I'm fine, just a little queasy" she replied, trying to sound more confident than she felt.

"Maybe we should pull over and take a break" Morgan suggested. "I know a great roadside diner up ahead" he says as he drives a little more slowly and carefully.

Uncle Derek also noticed Y/Ns discomfort and turned on the air conditioning, hoping to provide her some relief.

"Dad" she called out weakly.

Reid turned around in his seat, concern etched on his face. "What's wrong, sweetie?"

"I feel like I'm going to throw up" the young girl replied, her voice trembling.

Reid immediately asked Derek to pull over at the next rest stop. Running to the bathroom she threw herself over the toilet and began emptying her stomach into it

Concerned for his daughter Spencer ran after her. "N/N!" He yelled sitting behind her after ahed finished throwing up he took her in his arms and rubbed her back, trying to soothe her.

Derek handed her a bottle of water and some tissues while apologizing profusely for not being more cautious about her sickness, was fine with her throwing up, he gave Y/N a bottle of water and some crackers to settle her stomach.

He also fished out her motion sickness medication from her suitcase and rubbed her back soothingly as she started to feel better.

After a few minutes she leant away from the toilet and against her dads chest feeling his warmth.

Suddenly tears start streaming down her face as she apologized to her dad and Uncle Derek, the men instantly concerned begin comforting the distressed girl.

They weren't angry or annoyed, jsut concerned about her They both comforted her and assured her that it was okay and nothing to be ashamed of.

Uncle Derek even shared his own stories of getting car sick when he was younger.

As they finally reached their destination, Y/N couldn't be happier to get out of the car and feel the solid ground beneath her feet. Despite the rough journey, she had made it, thanks to the love and support of her dad and Uncle Derek.

"Are you feeling better now, princess?" Reid asked, placing a hand on her forehead.

"Much better, thank you" The H/C girl replied with a smile. "I'm sorry for being such a hassle on the drive."

"You're not a hassle at all, N/N We don't mind taking care of you" Morgan chimed in, giving her a pat on the back.

Y/N felt a warm feeling in her heart as she looked at the two men who had become like family to her.

She knew that she had a tendency to get car sick, but that didn't stop her from going on long drives with her father and his team. And she was glad that they didn't mind and always took care of her whenever she needed it.

As the evening went on, Y/N felt her energy returning and she was able to enjoy the conference with her father and Morgan by her side.

Sure, she still avoided the car on the way back, opting for a train trip instead, but she knew that she had the love and support of two amazing men who always had her back.

The end!

Woo third one today!
Hoped you liked this oneshot, I'm planning to get through most of the requests this week as I have it off from college.

Sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes

Requests are open!

Word count: 1177

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