Emily Prentiss X sister reader

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I need more Emily requests

Request: All I can think of is Emily having a chaos gremlin of a little sister. Everyone already knows her. Emily brings her in, and said sister gets everyone else to help her prank Emily. If Tara could also be mentioned in some fashion, that'd be great!

Reader is 12

Third person pov...

Y/N Prentiss is the little sister of SSA Agent Emily Prentiss and she is a prankster and a certified chaotic Gremlin, the little 12 year old loves pranking her sister with Emily's team.

She even gets the Grumpy Unit chief Aaron Hotchner to join in on a couple of her Pranks.

It was one of those boring days at the FBI academy for the team they weren't on any cases and had lots of paperwork to do, Spencer was working digitally at his desk and was flying through the paperwork as he enjoyed it.

Behind him Derek and Emily were sat giggling loudly like children as they kept throwing rolled up pieces of paper at the poor man.

The laughter increased as they kept hitting their mark, Spencers head, the genius was non the wiser as a pile of paper was forming around him at their many failed attempts.

From the side JJ and Penelope sit and watch as Spencer doesn't realise, then a recognisable person walks through the elevator and into the bullpen.

"Hey guys!" Exclaims the girl they all love Y/N Prentiss, Penelope and JJ laugh when the girl is tackled by her older sister, Emily throws away her paper and pulls Y/N in for an one arm hug.

"Hey lil sis" she said as her sister laughs "hey Em" laughs Y/N as she struggles to get out of Emily's hold, she is the rescued by Morgan who fireman carries to 12 year old away from her sister.

Emily gasps dramatically "how dare you Derek Morgan stealing my own sister from me!" She exclaimed as Derek puts Y/N down, the giggling 12 year old manages to evade her sister and runs up the ramp to Rossi and Hotches offices.

Woth Emily hot on her tail she knocks quickly and loudly on Hotches door and ducks when he opens it, her sister isn't so lucky.

Emily had jumped into a Crouch just before the sneaking gremlin knocked on her bosses door, Hotch doesn't even question Emily as she freezes infront of his door, he then sees the source of the laughter outside his door.

"Hello again Y/N, having fun annoying your Sister?" He asks hsut about hiding a smile of his own, the 12 year old smiles innocently at the man "of course Hotch" she said before running to the safety of Penelope and JJ.

They all watch as an embarrassed Agent Prentiss stalk back to her desk after getting a look from her boss, Y/N smirks as she perches on Spencers desk.

The man had stopped writing once he heard the common behind him. "That was fun right Spence" she said to the genius who nods. "Everything is fun with you Y/N" he says before going back go paperwork rolling his eyes when he finally notices the growing pile of rolled up balls of paper around him.

"So why are you here Y/N?" Asks Penelope, the girl turns around and in a whisper says "I'm here to pull as many pranks on Emmy as possible this week" as she pulls away a smirk makes its way on both woman's faces. "Can we help." Asks JJ earning a nod from the girl.

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