Secrets & Threats

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*11:17 AM*

Pulling a screwdriver out of the backpack he brought with him, Jeff began his scheme to break into (Y/n)'s home while she was gone. Considering she stayed until 10 last night, it's safe to say she's not coming back for a long time. It also doesn't hurt that her house is surrounded with trees and shrubbery, preventing the neighbors from seeing me. Jeff began prying a back window pane open with the screwdriver, successfully taking the glass out before hoisting himself up and through the window. Dusting himself off with leather gloves, Jack smirked smugly to himself as he looked around the bedroom he was currently in. Clearly this isn't hers... it's just a spare. Walking through the foreign atmosphere, Jeff noticed the fact that the woman didn't seem to have any identifying objects out.

No family photos, no bills or mail, no files. Almost as if there was no personality. The walls were all the same creme color and the floors consisted of the same hardwood throughout. Walking through the kitchen, Jeff noticed the simplicity of the bowls, plates and counters. Either she's extremely careful or way too bland of a person. Arriving to the woman's bedroom, Jeff saw the exact same theme, or lack thereof, as the rest of the home. Her bedsheets and blanket were black with a white pillowcase, her dresser was dark brown, and there were no signs of valuables such as jewelry, photos or hobby items. Opening her walk-in closet door, Jeff stepped inside and looked at her wardrobe. Various professional shirts and pants were displayed, all of which were grey or black. There was also a handful of both sweatshirts and sweatpants as well, presumably for her days off that were likely few and far between.

Somehow, the lack of character and signs of her interests almost makes her... more interesting. As Jeff continued to look at her clothing, he paused, seeing something within the corner of the closet. Tucked away was a small brown box. Curiously, Jeff crouched over, picking the box up and placing it closer to his lap. It's locked. The key must be around here somewhere... Before Jeff could continue to look, he heard an engine outside the home. Fuck, why is she here?

(Y/n) unlocked her home before taking her shoes and blazer off, putting her purse on the kitchen table and going to her room. Sitting on her bed, (Y/n) continued to jot down her thoughts and notes of the case in her journal. Humming as she did so, she found herself lost in the melody. A song that was stuck in her head all day had managed to calm her nerves, allowing her to give herself a small break before going back to the office. As a workaholic, (Y/n) found those days to be quite rare. Finishing her notes, (Y/n) went into her closet to put her blazer away in the meantime. Continuing to hum while putting the item on a hanger, (Y/n) paused as she slowly turned her head towards her box on the floor. Although subtle, she recognized immediately that it was slightly crooked, something that she knew for a fact hadn't been that way before.

Nonchalantly leaving the closet, (Y/n) continued to hum as if nothing was wrong. As she passed the spare bedroom in the hallway, she momentarily glanced into the room while acting indifferent, continuing into the kitchen. The window is not put back correctly... nice try, intruder. Heading back to the front door of her home, (Y/n) acted as though she was leaving, before swiftly turning around with her gun immediately drawn. "I don't know who you are, but you have 60 seconds to show yourself." Eyeing the clock, the woman listened to the ticks while counting in her head. Upon reaching 50 seconds, (Y/n) let out another warning. "Leave now and don't come back. Your last chance."

Jeff slid the closet door open ever so slowly within the spare bedroom, before cringing as he lifted the window pane off. Lifting each leg over the window sill, Jeff made miniscule sounds before putting the pane back, not bothering to screw it back in as he crouched and ran from the house. As the 60 seconds came to an end, (Y/n) hummed out loud before putting her gun back in its holster. I knew you were in the bedroom, intruder. Grabbing a screwdriver from a kitchen drawer, the woman headed to the spare bedroom and screwed it back in place successfully. Looking to the closet door, she smiled knowingly before leaving to go back to the office.

Fury and rage were bottled up in Jeff like bullets to a loaded gun. Was it cowardly to run away? Of course. Jeff was cocky, but also knew his limits. He had nothing to gain and everything to lose had he succumbed to his desires and exposed himself. Logically speaking, he would have been shot and likely incapacitated along with arrested. Jeff wanted to expose himself on his own terms; subsequently, he refused to do so on the woman's timeline. He didn't want a battle, he wanted a war filled with bloodshed. So far the woman was winning, and he understood that. I can't wait to wipe that smirk and cockiness off her pretty fucking face. Smiling widely, Jeff began to cackle as he imagined carving a smile into her face. Maybe I have met my match, after all.

As (Y/n) drove back to the office, she took large sips from her coffee cup while thinking about the individual who had broken into her home. Without them knowing, they had told her several things based on their behavior. They clearly knew who I am and what I'm capable of, since they hid and then immediately left. I doubt they'll be back since that's likely the case, and even if they are, I can easily take care of that. Their goal was likely to snoop through my things, since the only thing moved was my box. Regardless, I'm not concerned. Though I am very curious who it actually is and what they want.

*2:41 PM*

Deciding to take another walk to the coffee shop down the road, the woman's boots clicked against the pavement as she felt the freezing breeze against her skin. This time, she had been smart enough to remember her coat on the walk. Folding her arms across her chest while shivering, she found herself waiting at the same crosswalk as her last encounter with that strange man. Pulling her out of her thoughts, she took out her vibrating cellphone, rolling her eyes as she saw the caller ID displayed.


"Hey (Y/n), just confirming that we're meeting up tomorrow at 11 in the morning to... you know, talk through things."

With a heavy sigh, the girl responded, "yes, we're still meeting up. Honestly, I don't know what more you're looking to discuss. We're over, Sam, and we've been over for a while now." A pause was heard on the other end, and she could tell he had thought about what she'd said.

"I know that. There's just a lot I need to say and get off my chest. Please tell me you'll still come."

"I already told you I'd meet you at 11 at Applebee's. Let's drop this, I don't want to talk anymore today." And with that, the woman hung up just in time to walk across the street, failing to sense the same strange man in a hoodie that had been standing right behind her. Smiling with a dastardly look on his face, Jeff found himself unable to stop himself from giggling. Let's meet Sam together, shall we?

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