Crime & Punishment

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*Play song throughout chapter*

Shakey breaths were heard throughout the room of the factory; a clear sign of hyperventilation being shown over the metallic smell throughout the room. Hands stained crimson, (Y/n) found herself being unable to focus on the task at hand which would ideally be to get the hell out of there. Unfortunately, fight or flight exists, and being that the investigator's adrenaline was pumping incessantly, that was not an option that had entered (Y/n)'s mind at the moment. Right beside her on a stained and broken mustard colored couch was Sam, dead. Not only was he dead, his face had a carved smile from ear to ear, along with multiple stab wounds to his body that were knowingly his cause of death. Blood dripped from his head and onto the couch, along with the stab wounds to the body seeping through his previously white T-shirt. His head was slumped to the side, as if he had simply fallen asleep peacefully, though that was far from what the case had been.

Involuntary goosebumps raised on every square inch of the investigator's body as she continued to stare at the body; tears and sweat were mixing with Sam's blood onto the couch, wide eyes remaining unblinking. Jeff's breath hitched in his throat as he witnessed the marvelous sight before him. Ah, the feeling of absolutely demolishing someone's existence and the very reason they live --- well, I suppose this is the best feeling I could ever have. Jeff held back snickers as the investigator stayed still on the couch. As (Y/n) continued to sit in mental obliteration and torture, she tried to mentally calm herself down. What... is happening? How did I get here? I was confident he had Sam and clearly, I was right, but this isn't what I thought would happen. Come on, (Y/n), think. Why did he bring me here if he was just going to show me Sam's dead body? To kill me? No --- he wants to mentally destroy me, that is his purpose here. He wants me to stop hunting him and to submit to his dominance. I can't let him do that... not just for my pride, but for Sam's sake. This is precisely what each victim's family members felt when they discovered their lifeless bodies. Standing in the corner continuing to watch the investigator lose her mind, Jeff simply couldn't hold back his laughter anymore, choosing to let out loud chuckles while wiping tears from his eyes.

(Y/n), whose tears had slowly stopped falling over a short period of time, slowly turned her head to the right and made direct eye contact with the madman before her. Jeff's laughs slowly turned into small giggles before entirely ceasing, both individuals staring at each other wordlessly. Confusion filled Jeff as he watched the girl's chest rise and fall at a normal rate, widened eyes turning back into their normal state, as Jeff watched (Y/n) stand up with a murderous look in her eyes. Her footsteps echoed throughout the building as she made her way to Jeff, causing Jeff to back up slowly until his back reached the wall. Although Jeff had more pride than anyone, he also wasn't foolish enough to think that the investigator was weak. His superhuman strength may overpower her, but the woman is far more capable than she looked, and Jeff knew this. Therefore, he found himself in an unexpected predicament, that which he needed to get himself out of immediately.

Before he could move anywhere else, the woman sprinted forward with numbness written all over her face. This was clearly a move based solely on vengeance. Although Jeff couldn't die, if the woman were to be successful with incapacitating him even if temporary, she could put him behind bars. He couldn't afford to let that happen. Swiftly bringing his knife out of his pocket, he sliced at (Y/n) just in time as she reached him, the woman dodging his attacks smoothly. Jeff took this opportunity to begin sprinting away towards the stairs leading to the bottom floor with his superhuman speed, causing the woman to sprint after him in confusion. What the fuck? I know the killer certainly doesn't look normal, but is he superhuman or something? How is he able to run that fast? As Jeff sprinted down the stairs, the woman hoisted herself over the railing and fell to the bottom just as fast as Jeff had reached it, causing the woman to fall on top of him. Jeff's eyes widened as he stared at the girl sitting on him. Fuck, I'm in trouble. (Y/n) glared into Jeff's eyes before screaming at the top of her lungs and attacking him skillfully, punching, scratching and elbowing his face to a bloody pulp. Jeff felt blood pooling by his ears onto the floor beside him and knew he needed to get out of the situation. Successfully grabbing one of her wrists, Jeff ripped her off of him to the side, wiping the blood from his eyes with his other arm, before standing up and running away again.

All (Y/n) could see was red, both literally and figuratively, as she screamed out to him as he reached the entrance. "Killer!!!" Jeff halted in place and looked back at (Y/n), awaiting her next words. "I WILL find you and I WILL hunt you down with my bare hands, even if I have to kill you!" Jeff looked at her one last time before running out of the abandoned factory. As he continued to run through the terrain before him, he recalled her expression as he had been leaving. He could recognize that look anywhere, as it was typically the look of most of his victims. Helplessness. He had never seen it on anyone but his own victims, so he was having a difficult time processing his emotions and thoughts. After all, she had managed to do significant damage to Jeff's face and head with hardly any time at all. Jeff scoffed and frowned as he continued to run from the scene of the crime, a migraine taking over his senses in the most painful way. She'll hunt me, huh? Who is the predator and the prey when both are hunting one another?

(Y/n) found herself sobbing as the sun set, nighttime filling the area surrounding her with even more darkness than it had before. I'm so fucking pathetic and stupid... why did I let him get in my head?! Sitting up from the fetal position she was previously in, the woman screamed before repeatedly punching the ground below her, not allowing herself to stop until both hands were bloody and cracked. Another hour or so must have passed before the woman finally checked her watch to observe the time on it. 9:20 PM. Figuring enough time had passed, (Y/n) forced herself to stand up with wobbly legs. How pathetic I must look. Clumsily walking to the door of the factory, she gave one last look behind her at where she had just broken down, before subsequently walking out the door and jogging in one direction. I can't take Sam's body with me... forensics needs to examine it without more contamination. Numbness perpetuated her mind when she began to think about Sam and how his death was an indirect result of her negligence. If I had been able to apprehend this murderer sooner... well, Sam would still be alive, wouldn't he? After what seemed to be miles and miles of jogging, the woman finally found herself at a recognizable street. She immediately entered a small grocery store. Knowing she was covered in blood sweat, she approached a wary looking employee, who seemed to be frightened at the woman's appearance. Holding both hands up in a surrender position, (Y/n) said to the employee from a distance, "I'm an investigator. Please, call the police."

*2 hours later*

*11:58 PM*

"So let me get this straight. Instead of reporting the phone call to our dispatch immediately and calling for backup, you allowed your feelings to cloud your judgement, rendering the situation completely helpless?" Tears fell to the pavement, an emotionless expression contradicting the clear devastation within the air. The investigator held ice to her head, gaping wounds having been covered and treated by paramedics. Police and paramedic lights shone on the angry police chief before her, both leaning on a police vehicle. Before (Y/n) could even open her mouth, Art continued to speak. "Dammit, (Y/n). I thought I could fucking trust you. You were so worried about catching the bastard last time you came to my office, and what did I tell you then? Not to fuck up anymore and to do your best. What do you do instead? Throw away a golden opportunity to stop this bloodshed, and for what? For your pride?"

(Y/n) continued to stay silent, feeling her dried and cracked lips trembling as she continued to cry quietly. She knew he was absolutely right to be furious at her. Feeling her hands and entire body begin to shake, the investigator knew it was time to re-evaluate how she was handling the case. She made a grave error in judgement, which had entirely cost both her and the victims' families from obtaining justice. Art scoffed before delivering his ultimate statement. "You will take time off until you can get your head out of your ass." As much as she wanted to protest, the woman wasn't thinking clearly at the moment. She knew she needed time to process tonight's events. "That's a fucking order. Come back when you're ready." As Art diverged from (Y/n), the girl found herself dropping the ice pack and numbly walking to her car --- which had been tracked and returned to her at the scene.

Getting in and driving to her home, (Y/n) felt pain encompass her. She was on autopilot, unable to feel any emotions. Before she knew it, the girl had arrived at her house. Was it possible killer was inside? Absolutely. But (Y/n) didn't care. Stepping inside her cold home, devoid of any personality, the girl dropped to her knees within the living room. Unable to hold anything in anymore, (Y/n) shrieked in agony as she brought her shaking hands to her hair, grabbing handfuls and pulling; looking for anything to lessen the mental agony she felt.

Author's Note: Hat's off to anyone who has read the book, Crime and Punishment, a true masterpiece. What will become of our protagonist? What will become of our antagonist?

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