Sexual & Harassment

676 19 13

*12:28 PM*

With a heavy sigh, Art stared at his car radio before staring back impatiently at the house in front of him. She hasn’t been home at all… where could she possibly be? She told me she needed to take time off to clear her head, and of course she’s not obligated to stay home the whole time, but… I cannot shake this feeling that something is off. Taking out his cell phone, he hesitantly called the only person who could possibly answer his questions. “Hey, just wondering how your time off is and how you’re doing mentally.”

“I’m fine, Art. Again, my apologies for leaving on such short notice, hopefully things aren’t too crazy there.”

Art overheard a yawn on the other side of the line. “Sorry to bug you, I must’ve just woken you up from sleeping in.”

(Y/n) stroked her hair as she sat up on the foreign couch, looking over at Jeff on the ground slowly awakening himself. “Yeah, I figured I deserved to sleep in. I’ll let you go back to your work now.”

Art furrowed his eyebrows suspiciously. “Of course… do you want me to just put any further evidence or clues to the profile on your desk and email them?”

“Yeah, that’s fine. Talk to you soon.”

As Art lowered his phone from his face, he started up his car and began driving back to the office. Interesting… she didn’t even ask me if there were any developments. Where are you, (Y/n)?

Kicking the serial killer awake on the ground, (Y/n) continued to do so until he caught her foot. “I’m awake, you know. You don’t have to keep harassing me.” A deep, gruff morning voice surprised (Y/n) momentarily, as his voice was normally deeper than average, but particularly now that they’ve just woken up. Typing her hair up out of her face, (Y/n) sighed as she straightened out her shirt.

“So, when are you going to give me this long-awaited house tour?”

Jeff stretched out before standing up, scratching his head as he headed towards the bathroom. “I’ve already told you; you need to wait for nighttime.”

“And I’ve already told you, I’m not staying here another day.”

Hearing Jeff snort, (Y/n) began to feel annoyed already even though their conversation had just begun. Suddenly, (Y/n)’s eyes widened as her head whipped over to the start of the narrow hallway leading to the bathroom. Blush filling her cheeks, (Y/n) couldn’t believe the sight before her eyes --- that absolute repellent creature was peeing with the door wide open, ass cheeks out for her to see. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! Close the goddamn door you fucking pervert!”

(Y/n)’s cheeks puffed out in embarrassment as she turned her back on the sore sight and headed back to the couch, burying her face in it. Jeff chuckled as he zipped his pants back up before heading back out to the main basement area. “First of all, this is my house, so I’ll pee how I want. Second of all, you’re the pervert for looking, doll.” Feeling his hot breath by her ear, she felt her blush intensify even further. “Did you like what you saw?” (Y/n) sat up immediately and pushed Jeff away from her as hard as she could. Unfortunately, Jeff didn’t seem to mind whatsoever, as he continued to chuckle at the incident before sitting next to her on the couch. “Sooo, see any fun movies lately? I have a TV on the other side of the basement. Maybe we could-“

“Do you think this is a fucking joke? I believe I told you my prize for winning your psychotic little game last night was to leave me alone for a month.” Peering over at her enemy, she noticed how quickly his facial expression seemed to change. From joking and laughing, back to how it was last night, which was full of solitude and rejection. I don’t understand his issue. One minute he’s the most annoying dickhead in the whole world, and the next I almost feel bad for him because he seems more… human. With a dreadful sigh, the woman decided to compromise for the sake of him keeping his end of the bargain. “Fine, I will stay until nighttime. We won’t be doing anything together though, and after the tour I will leave. I expect you to keep your end of the deal after and not bother me for one month.”

Jeff looked over at her with an unreadable expression. “If we’re not going to do anything together, then what the hell are we supposed to do for damn near 12 hours?”

(Y/n) took out her phone and shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t care what you do, just leave me alone.”

It was as though a lightbulb shone above Jeff’s head as he grinned nastily. Staring at the woman scrolling on her phone, Jeff decided to do exactly as he was told and leave her alone. Going into the bathroom and leaving the door open yet again, Jeff took his penis out of his pants and began to masturbate, grunting deliberately very loudly in pleasure. Hearing nothing in response, he decided to take it a step further and began to moan things just to piss her off. “Oh fuck… mmm fuck, (Y/n).” (Y/n), on the other hand, felt tears prick her eyes from how humiliating the situation was. Covering her ears with both hands was not enough, however, as she continued to hear his disgusting self-pleasure comments. “I’m about to cum. Oh yeah baby, open your dirty little mouth.”

Hearing him writhe in ecstasy, she waited until he came out of the bathroom before going up to him and punching him square in the jaw. Holding his jaw and cheek out of pain, Jeff’s eyes widened as he stared at the woman in tears before him. Heavily breathing out in anger, (Y/n) seethed, “Why the fuck do you think I came here? To be fucking sexually harassed like this? You’re a disgusting pig. I’m leaving, don’t follow me and don’t you dare fucking talk to me for a month.” All Jeff could do is watch as the woman left while sobbing, in complete utter shock standing in the same place. Finally taking his hand off his face, he stared down at the ground in shame. What the fuck am I doing? Why… do I feel guilty?

(Y/n) sprinted as fast as she could from the mansion before her, not caring about what potential consequences there could be, nor considering her surroundings. Fuck seeing his house, I’ve seen more than enough. Continuing to run through the woods in an effort to locate her car, she finally found herself needing to slow down, having expelled far too much energy from sprinting the entire way. Moving branches out of her face, she attempted to slow her breathing as she continued onwards. It shouldn’t be too far from here. Twigs crackled to her right suddenly, prompting her to whip her head in that direction to see who it could be. Covering her mouth, she noticed it was the same monster from the night before, the one that the unsub had barely outrun even with his superhuman speed. It clearly hadn’t noticed her as of yet, which was surprising, considering that if that serial killer had super hearing, she figured that this would have it as well. Slowly tip toeing forward, (Y/n) noticed a larger tree that she could hide behind or climb about 40 feet in front of her. The rake was on all fours, devouring some kind of animal as its meal.

She could feel her blood pumping through her ears as her heart continued to pound in her chest with anticipation. Things were going rather well, until... the dreadful twig which (Y/n) had tried to avoid as best as she could snapped beneath her, prompting the rake to turn around with drool running down his mouth as his eyes darted towards his prey sprinting away from him. Hearing intense claws gripping the ground while getting closer by the second caused (Y/n) to jump up to the first tree branch, gripping it with all her strength as she completed a pull-up, scarcely escaping the creature's grasp. Looking down, (Y/n)'s nerves were fried as she realized her victory was nearly pointless, as the creature was actively successfully climbing up the tree to her branch. (Y/n) attempted to jump to the nearest branch upwards yet again; although successful, the creature jumped onto her left leg at the exact same time, causing an excruciatingly painful scream to emit from her mouth. The dirt from the rake's claws continued to enter her newfound wounds as they scraped down her leg, (Y/n) whimpering as she felt the blood pouring down her leg generously. As her vision began to fade from blood loss, she finally felt herself hit the tree branches on the way down until her vision faded to black.

Fatalities (Yandere Jeff the Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now