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*10:54 AM*

Being early was being on time to (Y/n), and that's precisely what she was as she walked into Applebee's to meet her ex boyfriend. Spotting him sitting in a booth, she approached him with a small smirk. She could tell he was nervous as he took a sip of water, before setting his sight on her and quickly standing up while brushing himself off.

"(Y/n)... umm, hi." Nervously waving back at him and smiling, the woman took her coat off and put it in the seat along with her purse, before Sam initiated a semi-awkward hug. As (Y/n) sat down, her eyes landed on a hunched over hooded figure facing the opposite way that was sitting behind Sam. Shrugging it off, the woman now sitting face-to-face with her ex. "So, uh... how are you? Has work been busy?"

Sipping the water that was already in front of her, the woman smiled at him with contentment. "What do you really want, Sam?" Jeff sneered as he eavesdropped on their conversation behind them. This is getting humorous.

"Wow, cutting right to the chase, huh? To be truthful, I want you back."

Shaking her head in immediate disagreement, she responded, "you know it would never work, Sam. Things haven't changed for me. I'm still the same me and I still prioritize my work. I'm sorry, but I'm just not the one for you."

Scoffing, the man took a sip of water. "I loved you, you know. You played me and toyed with my heart. Why can't you just take a leap of faith with me? What if you are the love of my life and I'm yours?"

The woman folded her hands in front of her. "I didn't play with your heart, it just didn't work out between us and that's okay. I may be the love of your life, but you are not mine. I'm not looking for any relationship because no one matches my work in importance. I'm sorry." (Y/n) shuffled to her feet, putting her coat on and grabbing her purse. "Now, if that's all, I'll be getting going."

Sam stayed seated, looking at (Y/n) with desperation. "I won't stop trying to win you over. I love you, (Y/n)." Rather than respond, the woman walked away from the man. Jeff smirked in his seat, holding back giggles from underneath his mask. Heartless, are we? No one can keep up with her work, huh? Taking one last sip of water, Jeff left a few dollars on the table for the waitress.

The woman bit her lip as she walked down the sidewalk, a habit of hers for when she was in deep thought. I cannot believe the audacity Sam had to call me here to beg for me to come back. I'm not a fucking object and I deserve more respect than that. (Y/n) felt herself becoming more annoyed just thinking about it, so she simply decided to stop while she was ahead. Arriving back to the station, she went to her temporary office that was set up for her. Her current task was going through the list of victims to see if they were connected in any other ways. It was a rather tedious task that involved endless possibilities the killer could have used to decide who his next victims would be. Before she could even begin, Detective Langely rushed into her office without knocking. "We've got more bodies."

The scene had been a short distance from the station, which was surprisingly the killer's first time operating so close to law enforcement. Moving the crime scene tape out of her way and going into the house, (Y/n) looked around at the home she was at, taking out her notepad before jotting down the first thing that came to mind. This is the 5th affluent family in a row; a stark contrast to when the unsub first started within impoverished areas. Walking into the living room, the woman looked at the scene before her.

A mom and dad with two little children- a boy and a girl- were all laying on a couch with the TV on. It was almost as if they were watching TV while witnessing the others get killed. Strange. No blood trails led to the couch, making (Y/n) assume they hadn't moved since the intruder payed them the visit. Spotting a forensic worker, the investigator asked, "Excuse me, how long ago would you say they were killed?"

The worker paused with his evidence collecting before responding. "Without the autopsies, we can't be certain. Bodies are still warm. I'd say less than a few hours ago." (Y/n) narrowed her eyes as she nodded, looking back at the bodies sitting on the couch. The timing was predominant, especially since this would be the first time the killer operated daringly close to the police station. Why move from your M.O. now? After months of operating the exact same way, what would cause you to so drastically change? Thinking back to the press conference she had done, she knew it was likely in connection with how she discussed the killer. Even so, to completely stray away from his method of operation so dramatically was highly unusual and unexpected.

Turning towards the forensic worker once again, the woman gathered her thoughts before responding. "One more question. Who reported the bodies?"

The forensic scientist turned to face the woman, suddenly scrunching his eyebrows. "The crazy thing? We don't even know. Some man called 911 and simply told the dispatcher the address before hanging up. He even asked for you by name." The woman's eyes widened as she rushed out of the home, running to her car. The killer! Jeff watched as the woman ran to her vehicle before driving away from across the street. Smiling widely underneath his mask, the man chuckled to himself before walking away from the scene. Are you onto me yet, little mouse?

Arriving at the station, the woman ran inside before excessively knocking on the chief's door. Hearing a loud 'come in,' the woman entered before placing both hands on his desk in a demanding and dominant demeanor. Out of breath, the woman wasted no time with her request. "We need to analyze the 911 call with the most recent murder." Alongside the chief, the woman stood over the electronic technician's desk as he pulled up the phone call.

"911, what is your emergency?" A long pause ensued after the operator asked the question. "Hello? Hello? Is anyone there?"

Finally, a voice decided to speak. "2339 Truffle Lane."

"Sir? What is your name?" Upon receiving no response, the operator continued. "Is there an emergency at this location?"

"Oh, yes... and won't you give (Y/n) my regards?" Eyes widened, the girl stood up straight as her face immediately ceased all signs of emotion. Both the chief and the electronic technician stared at the woman in disbelief, finally understanding both the scope of how sick their perpetrator was, and also how far he was truly willing to go to invade the investigator's mind and pride.

Fatalities (Yandere Jeff the Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now