Pursue & Offend

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*3 weeks ago*


"Ben, we need to step up this plan. I want this finished within the next couple weeks. Don't forget --- you owe me." Ben sighed with exhaustion as he remembered those dreadful words Jeff had communicated to him. Although this was annoying him, Jeff promised him that this was the last favor he needed, and he believed him... at least, for now. Jeff certainly wasn't one to shy away from using intimidation and threats as his main tactic for getting others to do things for him, which is precisely how Ben found himself in this nuisance of a situation currently. Hearing a car pulling up the driveway, Ben shook his head and focused better on the task at-hand; seeing Jeff and the girl meet up and play Twister in her home, he took photos silently and diligently. He had been putting together a care package of sorts to send to the lead detective at the town's police department. When Ben felt he retrieved enough photos for the night, he headed back to the mansion in order to develop them. As he waited for the results, he continued to flash back to explanations of Jeff's plan. "It's important you send this to him, Ben. Don't fuck this up."

Rolling his eyes, Ben spun around in his computer chair, briefly looking away from the multiple computer monitors in front of him. "Yeah, I get it, but fuck, Jeff. I can't keep covering for you like this or doing your dirty work. After this I'm done, for real this time." Jeff simply crossed his arms and looked away from the boy sitting in front of him, as though he was accepting his terms begrudgingly. Ben scoffed at the audacity he had to stand there before him and ask him to do things like this, yet with such a forcing nature. "What's your long-term plan, anyway? I know you want to keep her here, but it's clear she just doesn't want you."

Glancing down at his feet while shifting the weight between them both, Jeff seemingly processed what Ben said, much to Ben's surprise. "Hmm. You think?" Seeing that Ben gave him a bewildered look, as though he thought Jeff were the biggest dumbass in the world, Jeff sighed and nodded solemnly. "It simply doesn't matter. I'll be by her side whether she likes it or not. Forever." With that, Ben turned around and continued with his work while typing away. Poor girl. Hearing Jeff's footsteps lead away from Ben's room, he stopped typing and drank from the glass of water next to him. He will never let her go as long as she lives.

*Present Day*

"What to do with you?"

(Y/n) gulped with anxiousness as beads of sweat dripped down to her boots. "You said you wouldn't kill again, you promised. That was our deal since I won 2 out of the 3 games."

Jeff giggled before whimsically stepping forward as (Y/n) stepped backwards. "As I recall, I didn't kill anyone; Ben, my accomplice, did."

(Y/n) gritted her teeth in pure terror as she continued to walk backwards away from her enemy. "You know damn well you still did it, even if not directly! You're lying to yourself and you're sure as hell lying to me if you say otherwise."

Jeff's eyes widened as the reflection of the fire before them increased. As (Y/n) continued to look the beast in the eyes, she could clearly see the flames reflected in his eyes. "And what about you, oh so innocent Investigator? Our deal was that you wouldn't turn me in, yet here you were, trying to get your cohorts to arrest me before Ben set fire to the place."

"No! What you're not going to do is manipulate me into thinking I'M AT FAULT. You're a fucking murderer and a monster!"

"Hmm, what to do now that we both have broken our promises to one another? Never forget, you have blood on your hands too, (Y/n). Who's the real monster between us?" Sirens in the background drew closer to the two as things came to a head; Jeff clearly would overpower (Y/n) in a normal scenario alone, so for her to try to fight him off or defend herself in such a compromised state would be rather foolish.

Before (Y/n) could decide what to do next, she heard several car doors and footsteps heading their way, prompting the two to glance over at the dozens of officers before them. An airhorn suddenly rang out, "Police! Both of you put your hands in the air. Drop your weapon!"

Jeff's eyebrow twitched as he rolled his eyes. Fucking pigs, don't interrupt my date with my darling. Taking a knife out of his jacket pocket, Jeff beamed menacingly before sprinting forward at an inhuman speed, prompting the officers to fire. As (Y/n) witnessed Jeff attacking the officers by slicing off limbs and quite literally biting their throats, she froze in a state of panic. It's clear if I stay that I'm not getting out of this. Whatever Jeff did to make Art believe I was complicit in his crimes is unclear, but I can't afford to stay here and find out. Clearing my name will be next to impossible, considering I'm not exactly innocent. Her ears perked up as she heard even more sirens from a further distance closing in on them. While the officers were focused solely on Jeff, (Y/n) made a break from the scene and began limping behind her home, into the darkness of the woods. Her throat burned as though it were on fire, and her lungs heaved as though they would give out at any minute. Despite her broken and dangling left arm crying for her to stop swinging it around, (Y/n) endured the relentless pain and refused to listen to her body's pain receptors. Her left leg was practically numb from the pain at this point --- a sure trauma response her body had chosen to produce in an attempt to survive. A huge part of her expected Jeff to immediately come after her. If he comes after me... I'm fucked. I'm in no position to fight.

As (Y/n) continued to limp through the woods further and further from her former home, she paused as an idea struck her. My phone... it's still in my back pocket. Sticking her gun into her pants before pulling her phone out, she continued to limp while tripping over branches occasionally. As she continued to refresh the news articles from the town, she smiled as she realized her name had not yet been released as a suspect. They must be keeping it lowkey since I'm part of the task force. I still have a chance to get out of here. I can make it! After what felt like hours of limping, she finally spotted a road ahead. Laughing exhaustedly, (Y/n) began to stick her thumb out in an attempt to hitchhike.


Jeff knew he was in deep shit. Whether he had severely underestimated the amount of backup they were going to call, or whether he made a mistake by not grabbing (Y/n) and instead fleeing with her, he didn't know. After throwing what was probably the 30th police officer onto the ground and breaking his back, Jeff huffed and puffed as he examined the damage he had caused surrounding him. There were dozens of officers piled onto one another, most being unconscious while a few others were still conscious but too impaired to stand. Wiping the blood off his face, Jeff grinned with excitement over his success with disabling the forces of law enforcement. Now, to find my future bride. Due to being riddled with dozens of bullets that penetrated his body, Jeff could not run at his typical superhuman speed, as he needed time to heal first. Still, he ran relatively fast compared to what a normal human could that was as injured as he. As Jeff continued to jog, he smiled widely as he saw the back of the human he so desired. I have you now! His smile immediately dissipated as he saw the girl successfully wave down a truck before she began to open the front door. "(Y/n)!!!" The girl peered over her shoulder and looked at him with an unreadable expression on her face, before climbing into the truck and speeding off with its unknown operator. Jeff held his hand out towards the disappearing vehicle, out of breath and unable to compete with its speed.

Author's Note: Two more chapters after this one and then I'll be going on a hiatus. What do we think will happen?!

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