Early & Deadline

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A paranoid individual by nature and years of training was definitely something (Y/n) would say she was; overly cautious, observant and calculated were practically her middle names. Something was off no matter how she looked at it, being that she found herself constantly feeling watched and on edge. It was different than her normal sense of safety, it seemed that someone was indeed tailing her. Whoever they were, they were skilled at their job. As (Y/n)'s black heeled boots slammed repeatedly onto the pavement, (Y/n) made her way back into the office after her coffee break. I wonder who hired them... or is it, perhaps, a curious kitten following me themselves? A crazed fan? It wouldn't have been the first time a crime junkie had followed her and attempted to personally interview her over an active case. After all, (Y/n) was one of the most successful investigators in the world. Typically when this happened though, they didn't stay in the shadows for days like this one had, leading to (Y/n) curiously peering out of her office blinds, wondering just what the hell they wanted. A knock on the door interrupted her thoughts as her hand let go of the blinds before turning towards her guest shutting the door. "I take it you haven't found anything of note since we've last spoken a few days ago?"

(Y/n) stared at Art with a rather unreadable expression before opening a case file on her desk, diverting her gaze away from his piercing one. "I haven't. Here to hound me about packing my things?" Art smirked, partly in amusement and partly in silent confirmation. Passive aggressively shutting the file before slowly making her way around the desk, (Y/n) began to pace around the room, not being a fan of Art's newfound attitude after their tension-filled disagreement a few days prior. "I'm aware you want me out of your hair, but you promised me three weeks. Being that I have two weeks and four days left, cut me some slack."

Art opened his mouth to speak, but found no words forming. His lips pressed together in a tight line and, unsure of what emotions the room was now filled with, deciding to get ahead of himself and leave. Finding his way to the door, Art put his palm on the handle before he decided to speak. "Have you decided where you're going after this?"

Even without turning around, he could tell that this question didn't reach the investigator without harm. A scoff reached his ears as he waited for the anticipated response... only for nothing to satisfy this craving. Closing his eyes tight, Art opened and shut the door without looking back, knowing that the rest of the trust the two had developed had crumbled silently as he left. (Y/n)'s shaking hands pulled out her phone, trembling as they began to type the dreaded message she had been procrastinating. She had asked for 3 weeks just to ensure everything between her and Jeff could be settled within that time, just to be safe. She also knew that time flew faster than it seemed, and the woman did not wish to foolishly mismanage what little she had left.

Art wasn't stupid, and neither was she; the two criminal justice officers were hiding something from one another, something big. Of course, (Y/n) had managed to hold Jeff off from killing due to her unethical deal with the monster, but she even knew that this did not justify her betrayal to the officers and her country. (Y/n) was more than relieved that she had successfully won one out of the three games thus far, as this meant that Jeff couldn't follow her for the rest of her life like he had wanted. It was also just one step closer to locking up the nuisance for good and moving on with her life. This was the pep talk going on in (Y/n)'s head as she pressed send on her text to Jeff before chewing vigorously on her fingernails, feeling her heart pounding inside of her chest. The end is really near... yet, it seems to have only just begun.

Jeff's pissed off gaze centered itself on his phone below him as he pulled his mask down to frown slightly at the text before him. 'Next game is in 2 days.' It seems she's trying to expedite her departure from here... fine, so be it. Emitting an obnoxious growl, Jeff stuffed his phone back in his pocket before putting his mask back up and turning to Ben next to him, a pigmented red light shining on the two in an otherwise dark room. "We need to make this quicker than anticipated, Benny." Ben, who had witnessed the entire exchange of Jeff's frustrations at the text he just received, gulped before nodding silently and continuing with the task before him. Ben didn't like this plan, not one bit.

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