Kiss & Tell

417 19 15

As Jeff moved his pawn from his rightmost side forward 2 spaces, (Y/n) moved the pawn in front of her queen 2 spaces immediately, sensing that he wanted to move his rook forward as soon as possible. (Y/n) narrowed her eyes in an attempt to read Jeff as he did the same, one pair of eyes angry and determined, while the others were dark and vacant. "Move your rook if you wish, but you know that you will lose it immediately if you do so."

Jeff nearly scoffed at the audacity and overconfidence she had. "If you think I'd make my strategy so blatant, you're fooling yourself," the killer stated as he moved the knight on his left in an L-shape. Without blinking, (Y/n) moved her own knight on her left-hand side forward as well, folding her hands as she did so. Feeling anger boiling up inside him, Jeff let out a controlled yet creepy cackle, eyes watering as he did so. "Tell me, my dear (Y/n)... shall we make this more interesting?" As Jeff moved another pawn forward, (Y/n) did so as well, nearly mirroring all of his moves with the exception of the first.

"Investigator (L/n), to you. How many times have we been over this?"

Jeff, simply smitten with infatuation, smiled sweetly at the girl without moving an additional piece. "I didn't hear a no." (Y/n) found a difficult time denying the serial killer's request for a bet. He had taken so much of her pride and she was so sure she would win this final game --- after years of studying chess strategies after school and playing with the best of the best in both middle and high school, she found a hard time even considering a possibility of losing; thus, leading with a heavy sigh and no denial to be found, Jeff took the woman's silence as her obligement. Humming with satisfaction, Jeff moved his bishop seamlessly across the board, before (Y/n) successfully took the first piece of the game with her own. "Since you're so confident you'll win, it should be no trouble at all, Investigator."

Nonchalantly moving her untouched knight, (Y/n)'s head rested gently on her hand. "What would be no trouble, exactly?"

Jeff grinned brightly as (Y/n) stole his rook at last, right after he had moved it. "It's simple, really. I will obtain nothing as it stands, even if I win this last game of ours. If you win, you get the satisfaction of arresting and charging me with all the murders."

"Get to the point, kil-"

"Jeff." (Y/n)'s eyes widened as her head moved from her hand to be more alert. "My name is Jeff." Holding her breath out of discomfort, she looked back on their time spent together (unwillingly, may she add) and realized she had never once asked for his name. Realizing that he merely wanted her to respond using his given name, she simply sat in silence and refused, prompting him to continue speaking. Jeff hid his frown well enough for the girl to not notice, so he continued to speak. "It shouldn't be a big deal for me to ask for a kiss." (Y/n)'s eyebrows furrowed in disagreement and immediate disgust, but before she even had the chance to respond to his ludicrous proposition, he shook his finger in her face. "Ah ah ah. Before you say no, this deal won't swing my way, regardless. Right? Since you're such a pro, I mean."

Gritting her teeth in anger, the investigator simply couldn't hold back on showing her real emotions on her sleeve. It's clear he's trying to fucking provoke me, and it's fucking working. Being unable to look at the situation rationally any longer, (Y/n) found herself muttering out a confident, "Deal."

Jeff became nearly visibly deranged, finding his boner difficult to conceal any longer. Forcing his legs to press together underneath the table, his cheeks warmed up into an intense blush as the two continued to play. Although (Y/n) had taken 2 pawns, his rook and his bishop, he would not allow these facts to deter him from winning. He found himself gawking at (Y/n)'s slightly chapped lips in between turns while licking his own, finding it harder and harder to contain himself as the game continued on.

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