Forgive & Forget

585 23 15

*5 days later*

It had been 5 days since Jeff had gotten out of bed. Since then, he had simply woken up and gone to bed, only to wake up in the exact same position he had been since several days prior. Ever since the press conference, Jeff had been confused and worn down. He had been so certain that he could stump the investigator, only to be blindsided when it was him that was taken aback. Jeff felt all motivation and pleasure from harming others go out the window. Instead, it was just him and his own thoughts left. Hearing a knock on his door, Jeff’s eyes averted from the random spot on the wall that seemed to captivate him so and landed on the door. “Jeff? It’s me again. He would like to meet with you.” This hadn’t been the first person that had tried to knock on Jeff’s door to get him to do missions. Jeff knew that it was only a matter of time before Slenderman met with him and demanded to know what was going on. Although that thought had terrified him, he simply could not have made himself care.

With an exasperated sigh, Jeff got up and stomped over to the door, only to open it and see a shocked Hoodie’s face. “Holy fuck dude, it’s about time. What’s going on with you?” Jeff simply snarled in his direction before attempting to brush past, only for his arm to be grabbed tightly by Hoodie. As Hoodie pulled him in close, Jeff could practically feel the annoyance within the air. “Listen. I don’t give a fuck how depressed you are or whatever the fuck. You don’t act that way towards your superior. Understood?” Jeff unwittingly made eye contact with the eye holes of Hoodie’s mask. He nodded firmly, choosing to hold back negative emotions in order to get out of this as quickly as possible. Hoodie finally let go, enabling Jeff to go up a third flight of stairs --- one in which no one went up unless summoned by him.

Knocking on the door to get permission to enter, Jeff felt whispers enter his mind and get louder before permission was granted. Jeff looked down at the floor as he entered and then shut the door behind him. It was against the rules to look at Slenderman without permission, thus leading to the typical eye contact with the ground. “Jeff,” the whispers slithered out sinisterly, “your priorities as of late seem to lie elsewhere. Please do enlighten me as to what is going on.” Jeff gritted his teeth in annoyance. So, my peers have been doing a little informing, have they? Well, I guess it was inevitable. After all, maybe they would’ve let me slide for a couple days, but 5? I knew I was pushing my luck to begin with.

“Permission to respond, sir?” Whispers confirmed the permission that Jeff had sought. Kneeling to the ground and bowing before his master, Jeff’s eyes remained closed tight, as he hoped and prayed to a god he didn’t believe in that he wouldn’t get physically punished. “I apologize for my indeliberate distractions. It seems that I have been far too preoccupied with personal matters and killings that don’t directly serve you. I will ensure that my interests won’t further disrespect you or your intentions, sir.”

Hearing nothing in response was neither a good nor a bad thing, as it could have been either. “You may go now.” Jeff’s eyes opened in shock as he quickly recuperated himself by bowing once more and asking to be excused, before leaving quietly. That could’ve ended poorly. Not only has she taken away my pride and credit, she almost took away my sense of safety within my own fucking home. Gritting his teeth further as he skipped down the stairs, Jeff’s eyes seemingly bulged out of his face the more furious he seemed to get. I won’t allow her to take that, too, with no repercussions. As he reached his room and slammed the door shut, Jeff allowed himself a peak of what he looked like within his bathroom mirror. Dark circles underneath his eyes along with a paler face than usual. Simply put, he looked like absolute shit. As Jeff continued to observe himself in the mirror, he finally found the energy to grin widely. Look out, (Y/n). You haven’t won yet. Perhaps it’s time I take a look at a… different approach.

*8:33 PM*

With another long day at the office in the books, (Y/n) felt utterly exhausted and ready to go home. Rarely was the girl ever able to leave before 9 PM it seemed as of late, but with no further material to go off of, (Y/n) and Art found themselves at a complete dead-end. They had both gone over each file, including (Y/n)’s own testimony and the most recent look-alike victim that had been killed, dozens of times with nothing connecting. Additionally, although they were of course in a hurry to catch the killer to prevent further deaths, he was seemingly on another hiatus ever since the press conference in which (Y/n) presented false details. This had left Art utterly confused and dissatisfied with the outcome, as the main goal had been to get the serial killer to reach out.

As (Y/n) waved goodbye to Art, who was choosing to stay later than she was, she opened the department door and headed to her car. As she fished for her keys somewhere within her purse, the woman halted suddenly when she saw what was on her windshield. A bouquet of flowers with a note attached. Observing her surroundings suspiciously, (Y/n) failed to find any signs of anyone nearby. Deciding to snatch the flowers and note before quickly getting into her car and locking it, the woman drove home rather than stay at the scene in order to ensure her own safety.

Bursting through her front door with the mysterious items, (Y/n) kicked her heels off and locked her door before scurrying to the couch and finally opening the note. Along with the red roses was a note that simply said her name on the front. Upon opening the letter, she began to read the red ink scrawled on the inside.

“Although I value killing
I value our interactions more
I’m willing to put a halt
If you’re willing to open the door

Let’s play a game
You can even choose
The outcome could go either way
But at this point, what have we to lose?

Isn’t it time that this chase come to an end?
I’ll let you catch me if you win
Give me a sign you’re interested
If I lose, you can arrest me. Let us begin.

P.S. You were beautiful with blood on your skin :)”

Her heart was thumping loud as she tried her best to comprehend the letter given to her along with the roses. Digging through the flowers, the woman saw nothing suspicious about them. So, this is the killer’s new game? Just give me flowers as a peace offering and pretend everything is normal? Scoffing, the woman chucked the flowers at the wall and stomped towards her room. Sucking up her pride, the woman began to think of the possibilities on the off chance that she decided to entertain this offer. What has the current investigation gotten us? Nothing so far. Is it such an impossible idea, considering the idea of doing things his way? Maybe, just maybe… I can beat him at his own game.

Walking back into the living room, the woman picked up the note once again. If I were to want to initiate this deal, what should I do to communicate this? I assume he doesn’t want the police involved, otherwise he would’ve sent this directly to the police department. This must be entirely contingent on my cooperation and mine alone. No one can know, not even Art. The woman picked at her lip as she continued to think about the possibilities. At this point, I feel my own pride is entirely gone and probably his as well. Truly, what is there to lose? At this rate, my own life would be the only thing, and even then, I deserve that possibility if I cannot beat him. Approaching a drawer next to her couch, the investigator pulled out a loaded gun. Checking her watch and seeing the hands turn to exactly 9:00 PM, she pulled a dining room chair up to the front door before opening it, allowing the cool wind to flow throughout her home. Turning each light off, the investigator held the gun in her lap as she sat in the chair, facing directly forward at her open door. He said to open the door? Very well. It’s all or nothing.

Fatalities (Yandere Jeff the Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now