Hare & Tuortis

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Although Jeff’s door had already opened and shut, (Y/n) simply sat still within the passenger seat, confused as ever as to why he had brought her to a bunch of woods. Snapping her out of her trance, Jeff opened her door for her and sighed before waving her out. (Y/n) undid her seatbelt and squeezed past Jeff even though there was more than enough room for her to get out, not wanting to be in his presence whatsoever. With a sigh and while feeling sickened with his tricks, she finally spoke. “What is this? This is clearly not your home.”

Jeff tossed (Y/n)’s keys up in the air, barely allowing her time to catch them, before walking forward without sparing her another look. They were both clearly still in a rather odd trance, both in their own worlds in which they needed to escape from; this was particularly noticeable from Jeff’s end, as instead of his usual dark and sexual humor, he merely trudged forward unenthusiastically, almost paying no mind to the woman behind him that captivated him so. As the two continued snapping twigs with each step they took, Jeff sighed before grabbing (Y/n) extremely suddenly, clamping his hand over her mouth before she could scream. The two ducked behind a large willow tree before Jeff whispered, finally explaining his behavior. “This is my home; it’s just surrounded by a bunch of woods. You clearly don’t trust me, but I do need you to trust me when I say that if we aren’t quiet, we will both get mauled --- and at least I will come back to life, whereas you will not. So shut the fuck up and stay behind me.” Removing his hand from her mouth, (Y/n)’s wide eyes focused on Jeff’s long black hair as her breathing attempted to slow. Jeff peered cautiously from behind the tree where they were both crouched, attempting to find the subject of danger.

Finding herself dying of curiosity, (Y/n) got on her knees before peering from the other side of the tree, wondering who or what the unsub could possibly be afraid of. (Y/n) clamped her own hand over her mouth and shivered as she resumed her place of protection from behind the tree, tears prickling her eyes. Jeff winced before also moving back behind the tree, noticing the rake as well as (Y/n)'s panicked nature. Leaning in close and whispering in her ear, Jeff calmly explained the situation at-hand. “This creature is called the rake. He will absolutely tear you from limb to limb and devour you whole. I need you to get on my back.” Though (Y/n) attempted to tear herself from his embrace in protest, Jeff shushed her before whispering the rest of his plans. “You need to do this if you want to survive. I have superhuman speed, you don’t. Even I can barely outrun him. Trust me just this once.”

As (Y/n) looked deeply into his eyes for the first time, the two engaged in deep eye contact, seemingly getting lost. His eyes were dark, so dark they were almost black, yet she could still see little specks of light brown throughout. If only they weren’t a feature on a serial killer that she found incredibly revolting. (Y/n) nodded firmly as Jeff turned around and crouched up a bit. While (Y/n) was getting on his back, he could feel her smooth hands wrapping around his neck, causing him to gulp nervously. It was true that he clearly had murdered dozens of women and girls before. Being consensually this close to one that was alive and not actively being killed by him was a first, however, and it was causing Jeff to feel timid towards the situation. Thinking back to her (e/c) eyes that had looked into his, he remembered how much he seemed to admire how soulful and thought-provoking they’d been; almost as though they were looking deep within his very being, knowing ever crevice and detail about him.

Feeling her breath hitting his ear caused him to blush, before he heard a voice whisper, “Are we ready?” Jeff attempted to push these questionable feelings on the back burner as he nodded subtly, standing up and peeking out from behind the tree yet again. The rake was seen sniffing around a tree to their left, probably about 25 feet away or so. He’s extremely close in distance to us. This is going to cause this to be extremely difficult. Debating on what to do when the two finally reached the mansion was also heavily on Jeff’s mind, as it was more than likely that most of his roommates were sound asleep. There was always the possibility of some coming back from missions, therefore causing doubts to slip into Jeff’s mind. I can’t let them see her, they’ll only report to him the presence of a human and he will question me. I won’t have an excuse and he will force me to kill her. I refuse, not until it’s on my own terms and not until I have dominated her in every sense of the word. With a smirk, Jeff plunged into the woods with (Y/n) on his back with a newfound plan in mind, also acknowledging the rake being right on his tail from behind him. He heard the panting and footsteps from the disgusting claws behind them, making him try to run even faster than his maximum limit. (Y/n), on the other hand, peered back mistakenly to observe the creature.

Fatalities (Yandere Jeff the Killer x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now