Knife & Back

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"So, we finally meet." Jeff blankly stared at the back of the investigator's head, in disbelief that she had truly taken Sam as bait. Jeff was surprised, as their last meeting hadn't ended well, and it had seemed like they had a bad relationship.

Nonetheless, Jeff felt a sense of success as he continued to hold his knife to her throat, being close enough to breathe in her scent. She smells like roses... I hate sweet scents. Jeff simply hummed back at her words before replying. "So we do, (Y/n)." Jeff awaited her response, knowing that calling the woman by her first name surely bothered her, but felt disappointed when he received nothing. Come to think of it, why is she so comfortable in the company of imminent danger? Even holding a knife to her neck, I don't sense any hostility or nervousness. With a frown, Jeff simply decided to ask. "Why do you seem so calm in the face of danger?"

The woman continued to cross her arms and stare straight ahead as Ben continued to drive them to their destination. "I knew I'd probably die the moment I chose to oblige your instructions." Feeling taken aback was not an emotion that Jeff ever remembered feeling. She treats her own life as if it is nothing, as if it's disposable... why?

Jeff couldn't help but growl before taking his knife away from her neck, knowing that the threat of ending her life held no true weight to her. "Aren't you curious what I look like?" (Y/n) did not move to look at Jeff or to even speak, resulting in confusion and frustration to fill Jeff's system. Bringing his knife up to her neck yet again, Jeff growled out, "Fucking answer me."

The girl let out a tired sigh. "I refuse to look you in the eyes. You don't deserve that level of humanity. You are lesser than the dirt stuck in the soles of my shoes, lesser than a plague or disease. I already know what you look like --- filthy, rotten scum. Kill me if you want, I know your ego needs to be fed. Gotta find some way to overcompensate for your worthlessness." When was the last time anyone had talked down to Jeff? He couldn't remember. Perhaps in his human days, but not at all within his days as a pasta. So, as he sat there still holding a knife to the investigator's throat, Jeff felt utterly worn out.

Being unable to cope with his emotions was something that Jeff knew and understood to be a major flaw he possessed, but he never had to worry about it prior to meeting the investigator. Normally he would simply kill anyone that would dare defy him, but something made him feel different towards (Y/n). The closest feeling Jeff could put his finger on was the want --- no, the need --- to force the woman to bend at his every whim, to break her down in every way imaginable. Thus, Jeff's motive was born; he would kill the investigator once he was able to achieve his newfound goal. The conundrum at hand still existed even with this in mind, however. Deciding he needed to think about things more rationally rather than give in to (Y/n)'s provocations, Jeff simply retracted the knife from her throat and remained silent in the backseat for the rest of the car ride.

Ben, on the other hand, was still in shock at the scene he had just witnessed. Jeff had never, ever backed down from someone who opposed him. Why had this been different? As he looked in his mirror at both the captive and the kidnapper, he saw the expressions on their faces being almost identical; both beings were obviously very much so within their own heads, plotting how to get the best of the other, with their own individual objectives and dreams. This led Ben to wonder how different the two really were, if at all. Although they were on opposing sides, weren't they both likely just suffering inside their minds? Similarly to two sides of the same coin? Ben looked forward to seeing how this would play out.

Arriving at the ginormous abandoned factory far from other buildings and houses, Ben parked the car and stayed in his seat, presumably waiting for (Y/n) and Jeff to leave so that he could as well. Jeff shoved the investigator forward, causing the woman to push his arm back into himself. "Don't get your panties in a bunch, I'm going." Stepping outside the van and awaiting her captor, (Y/n) quickly found herself grasping at her neck, finding a foreign object wrapped around it, causing her to choke. Hot breath hit her ear, sending chills down her spine as she continued to hold onto the rope that was suffocating her.

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