Prank & Call

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"Tell me that the phone was tracked from where he called."

The technician gulped nervously before responding. "That's the issue... he called from a payphone. We're working on pulling the street footage, let me go make a call and see where we're at with it." As the man rushed away from the tense aura surrounding them, all that was left was the chief and the investigator. As the chief looked at the girl in front of him, he watched as she avoided eye contact like the plague. Reaching into his pant pocket, he pulled out a coin before extending it towards (Y/n).

"Penny for your thoughts?" The girl looked at his extended hand blankly, chewing on the insides of her cheeks in deep thought. Finally, she stared up at the bright fluorescent lights above her.

"It's rare when I doubt my decisions, but now is one of those times. Sure, he's going to continue killing no matter what I say or do. It's a fact that he is amping up and killing quicker because of me, though. It's difficult to justify my methods now that it's actually happened, even though I was fully aware of his capabilities and the likelihood of this happening."

The chief of police leaned up against the computer desk, staring at the ground deep in thought, considering what he should respond. After several minutes of suffocating silence, he decided to say the best thing he could think of. "Sometimes you just have to be patient and trust the process. I know you must feel at-fault for their deaths, but think of it like this --- we went months before calling you in because we couldn't catch him. This is progress you've made in the span of 4 weeks. In the end, I'm confident there will be less deaths because of you." He made eye contact with the powerful woman standing before him, who seemed so frail and fragile in that moment. "You'll kill yourself if you overthink it. So, don't. Just vow to be better."

(Y/n) smiled sympathetically, thankful to have strong advice in a time of need. Holding out a hand to shake, (Y/n) responded, "Thank you, Chief."

The man firmly grasped her hand. "Please, call me Art." As the two finished up their conversation, the IT man came back in a frenzy. Typing away at his computer, he finally provided an update. "Okay, I obtained the footage through my email. Here it is... right here." Pulling up a 25 second clip without sound, the woman meticulously picked apart the video in her head. A man with a white hood on, facing away from the camera, walking into the phone booth. His hands were gloved and no noticeable features could be seen. The trio watched carefully as the man picked up the phone and spoke. After putting the phone back on the receiver, the suspect opened the phone booth and left, going so far as to walk backwards so as not to face the camera still. The woman gritted her teeth in fury, muttering a request for the video to be sent to her, before storming into her office.

*3:26 PM*

The only thing the woman had seemed to deduce after watching the video at least a dozen times was that the perpetrator had long black hair, which was a detail that had been missed the first few times. Odd, not a lot of men have long black hair, which means he certainly has a unique appearance. He looks fairly tall as well... only one way to really find out. The woman debated on visiting the location of the phone booth, as it was only about a 25 minute drive. The thing stopping her, however, was what that would solve at all. After all, there were no witnesses within the footage, signifying that it was unlikely anyone had seen the man at all. Even if they had, he clearly avoided his face being seen from the camera. (Y/n) looked down at the notes she had taken. Long black hair, fit figure, taller height. Sighing out of frustration, the woman decided it was best to check all possible leads rather than never truly knowing.

*4:01 PM*

Shutting the car door and locking it, (Y/n) approached the phone booth while observing her surroundings. No wonder there weren't any witnesses or bystanders, this entire area is in a sketchy part of town that is desolate. Turning her focus back to the payphone, the woman opened the door to it before looking around for small details or clues. Of course, there will not be fingerprints since he wore gloves... Taking a photo out of her jacket pocket, the woman compared the visual of the unsub in the photo with how she was standing within the booth. So, he's probably around 5'10, according to this. The woman bit the insides of her cheeks as she began to leave the booth, putting the photo back in her pocket. Suddenly, a defeaning ring caused (Y/n) to jump in terror, calming down a bit as she realized it was the payphone that was ringing. That's odd, who would be calling this number? Heart beating fast, the woman gulped as she picked up the phone, deciding not to say anything first.

Breathing was heard on the other line, but (Y/n) refused to be the first to speak. A few minutes went by of this unusual exchange, in which the caller was breathing at a normal rate while no words were exchanged. This has to be the killer, I just know it... but his entire goal is to get law enforcement to play into his game. It wouldn't get me anywhere if I cave and speak first. I need to rile him up somehow. With a petty smirk on her face, the woman hung the phone up with ease, leaning against the booth as she waited for the likely call back.

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