Loving you is the best part.

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The birds are singing and the trees are flowing like a calm river. You were currently making breakfast for your two beautiful wives and your six year old son. (Idk what to call him, so imma call him Atreus.) Atreus was sitting in the living room playing with his toys. Luz was just waking up and Amity was still asleep. Then again it is only 7:46 in the morning. You have to be at work by 8:30 so you're always up early. You work as a mechanic, the building is about 3 miles from your house. You work on Cars, Motorcycles, Trucks and anything else in that category. You put the pancakes on some plates and put them down on the table, Atreus got up and started eating his breakfast. You headed into the bedroom and was instantly greeted with a hug from a very groggy Luz. "Good morning, Honey" you said as you gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Morning..." She said in a raspy voice. "Want me to wake up Amity? Or do you want to?" You asked. She looked at Amity for a moment. "Can you, please?" She said while snuggling into you. "Looks like someone's in a cuddly mood!" "You smell nice...". You leaned in and gave her a kiss on her lips. "Love you, Luz" "Love you too, Y/n"

She stayed hugging you for a moment before she got her sudden boost of energy. "Okay! Got to get Atreus ready for school!" She said while walking off. You walked over to Amity and nudged her a little. She groaned and then looked at you, trying to get used to the sunlight. "Hey, It's time to get the day started" you said in a gentle voice. She pushed her face back into the pillow for a minute and then got up. "And maybe some pants" she rolled her eyes with a smirk and gave you a quick peck and headed for the bathroom. She was just wearing a Big t-shirt (probably one of Luz's) and some underwear. Luz was wearing some sweatpants and a tank top. And you were wearing your jobs signature polo but unbuttoned with a muscles shirt underneath.

Atreus has three moms, Meaning each of you have a different variant. Amity is Mommy, Luz is Mom, and you're Mama. You were about to grab you're keys but you felt something tugging on your shirt. "Hey Mama, how long will you be gone for?" "Uhhh, usually about as long as you're in school, but I have a few errands to run, why?" " I was just wondering, and ill miss you..". "Aww, I'll miss you too, buddy. But I will be back" you said as you crouched to his level and gave him a hug. "I'll never leave you guys behind." "Promise?" "I promise. You guys are my reason of living. And You know what the best part is?" "What?" "You. Loving you, and your moms is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I will never leave you guys." You said as you picked him up, his backpack and you're keys. "Now come on, you have to go to school and we can't be late.

(totally not me writing a fluff chapter at 10:50 at night, anyway if you have a request be sure to tell me on the request page. Byeeee all you gays!!) 570 words

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