Sick day (innocent reader x beta lumity) pt.2

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This is a continuation of the previous chapter :)


You woke up and read the time. 4:26 AM It read. You got up and went to the bathroom, shielding your eyes from the bright light, you looked in the mirror. 'Oh no....' You thought as you looked... wilder then usual. Your hair was messy-er then it normally is, Your ears have fur growing on the top, (Reminder: you are a canine, a furry as some would call lol) and your pupils looked more feral. At first you thought your... "You know" started, but you checked and it hasn't. Which can only mean one thing... Your sick. 

You turned off the light and went back to bed, only to be woke up again the next hour. This time your nose was congested and you had a fever, so you grabbed a pillow, a blanket, and a wet towel and slept on the couch, because you don't want to get your girlfriends sick. About 3 hours passed and Luz and Amity were already awake. Amity was trying to make breakfast and Luz was in there giving her kisses. "There you are!" Luz said looking your direction. "What are you doing sleeping on the couch?" She asked. "I'm sick" you said with a very dry throat "And I feel like shit" you added. "Well, is there anything I could do to help?" "Could you please get me some water and medicine?" You asked. "Sure" she said, heading to the bathroom to find some Benadryl. Meanwhile Amity came over to you. 

"Are you just going to stay on the couch all day?" She said while stroking your hair. "What other choices do I have?" "You could help me cook" "Amity, have you not heard that I am sick?" "Oh, I know your sick, but that never stopped me from doing anything" she replied with sass. "Amity please, can I just stay on the couch?" "hmmm, ill think about it" she said while going back to the food. Then you heard little thumps coming from the stairs. 'Mambo's probably up' you thought, and you were right. Your little brown bear came over to you and sat down next to the couch, waiting for you to give him headpats. "Hey, Mambo" you said while rubbing his back. (Mambo is your palismen, A brown bear the size of a cub but he is an adult. And bonus he once kicked ass for you) 

Luz came back with two Benadryl pills and some water. "Thanks Luz" you told her with a smile on your face. "Anything for our sick girlfriend" she said going back upstairs. As you took the medicine you decided to get up and at least feed Mambo. Once you got up your legs felt really weak and you got really cold, really fast. You grabbed Mambos favorite food (which is mostly berries and a few little pieces of cooked fish) and put some in his bowl (bc idk if palismen eat or not)

You quickly tried to scamper back to the couch, but was trapped by Amity. She had grabbed your waist from behind and was kissing your neck. "Amity, I'm freezing. Please let me go" "Nope" she said with a smirk on her face. "Come on, the sooner you hug me back, the sooner you can go lay back down" You then turned around in defeat and gave her a hug, smelling her perfume made your tail wag. A mixture between Lavender and Roses. Luz joined in the hug as well, Because she is not going to miss an opportunity to hug her girlfriends. After you ate some breakfast, you plopped down on the couch and went to sleep almost immediately.

You opened your eyes to what seemed like a forest. Not just any old forest though. The forest you grew up in, where you shared all your memories with your siblings. You look at the back of your hand, The Sun on your hand was glowing. "Hey, Collector" you said with a smile. "How did you know I was here?" he said with a confused expression. "You forgot I had my Sun, didn't you?" "mmmm, Yeah, anyway do you wanna play a game?" "What kind of game?" "Maybe, Hide-and-Seek?" "Ok but a quick game" you said "Aww, you're no fun Y/n." he complained.  "Collector, I'm loads of fun. But I have to wake up soon. And plus, I made a promise to you. That I would make time whenever I can. This Sun represents it" "Yeah... You're right. Lets get to it!" his tone changing in an instant

You guys played 3 rounds of hide-and-seek before you said your goodbyes to The Collector. "Bye Y/n! Thanks for playing with me!" He said while hugging you "Bye, Collector. And you are welcome."

When you awoke for some well needed rest, you got up and looked around. 'It's awfully quiet' you thought. Mambo was asleep on the stairs so you had to step over him to get back to the bedroom. You checked and no one was there, 'weird' you thought as you made your way back downstairs. As you went back down stairs, you saw a note in the kitchen. "Hey babe, if you are reading this, it means that we're gone for the day, Luz went to work, and I have some errands to run. Think you can take care of yourself for the time being? -With Love, Amity. P.S Please don't burn the house down"

Well, looks like it's just me for the day. Guess I'll go outside..

(Well, this took a while but I did it! There will be pt. 3 after this. But yeah, I hope you liked this RavenLove57693 ! 946 words)

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