Stuck inside.

714 20 7

Requested by Pyrey-56

Aged up
Villain/Mafia AU;
Amity is the boss, She has people working for her and getting things she needs.
Luz is a hunter/Assassin (Whatever or Whoever the boss tells them to do or get rid of, they do.)
Y/n makes all the weapons, by hand.

While stuck in the rain at the blight manor, Y/n decides to interact more with her friends. Amity gets jealous, Luz doesn't take to kindly to it either.

I exited my workspace, ready for my next presentation. I walk down long and narrow halls, filled with graffiti, posters, and people. The hum of the hanging lights could be heard all throughout the halls. After reaching the end of my hall I take a right and walk up a couple stairs, The sound of loud music and chatter can be heard. This place used to be a garage, but now its a hangout place for The Violet Vipers. I forgot to mention that this place is the one and only Blight Manor, passed down from generation to generation and into the hands of Amity Blight, The Big Boss and one my Girlfriends. This "Garage" is huge, there are at least 132 people in here, Most of these people live here because as long as you don't disobey Ms. Blights orders you have a free place to stay. Instead of lights there were black lights, so neon paint would show up better. As I was making my way pass people with my bag on my back I heard the intercom come on, interrupting music and conversations. "There has been a change of plans, as the boiling rain has began, missions are to be delayed until the boiling rain stops. All Vipers are to head back inside and wait until further instructions." The weatherman spoke, yes we do indeed have a weatherman. We basically have everything here, its amazing!

I finally made it to the door, passing people fighting each other, spray painting the walls, having dance battles, showing off cars and motorcycles, and probably selling stuff. There were two body guards as usual, one with a bright blue Mohawk, Tanned skin up to a certain part of his arms where he's been in the sun too long, named Toni, and one with a shaved but not quite bald head, Black skin and tattoos all over him except his face, named Leon. Even though they look real tough they are actually pretty cool and nice people.

"Hey Y/n, How's it hangin?" Toni asked.

"The usual, Make weapons, break up major fights, Spray paint."

"Sounds like Toni in his free time!" Leon laughed, making Toni blush a little. (They are gay as fuck)

"Moving on! I just need to see your ID. Wish I could just let you skip this process but its Ms. Blights orders." Toni chirped.

You handed him your ID and sooner or later was able to walk inside. Once you closed the door you could barely hear the loud music in garage. This part was the actual manor, so it was pretty well decorated with nice decor. When you came here you always felt out of place because you look like you just went to a punk rock concert. You were wearing a white tank top and dark purple jacket over it, Some ripped black jeans, and some combat boots with a nice silver chain around your neck. Your boots were loud and heavy sounding when you walked on the nice wooden floors. After navigating through the manor you finally found Amity's office. The weird part is that her door was closed, she never closes her office door. You were about to knock, but then you heard what's sounded like... Moaning. Yeah, I'll just come at a different time. You quickly walked away from the door, down the stairs, through the halls, and back into the garage. "Y/n what happened?! You look traumatized!" Leon said

"Lets just say the boss was 'busy'." you airquoted.

"Pffft-" Toni and Leon both started wheezing. "I'll see you guys later!" You waved while they were still dying on the ground. You decided to just go see what other people were doing. The first thing you spotted was your friend Lilac spray painting a giant Viper. "Hey Lilac!" You said as you ran up to her. She had short, cut down, fluffy hair, with little streaks of white dyed in it. "Sup Y/n, hold this for me real quick." She said as she handed you a green spray paint can. She dug through her duffle bag, searching for a specific color. Once she finally found it you handed the can back to her. "What do ya think?" She said as she stepped back to get a better look. "Looks great! But maybe you could add some white around the green and purple to make the colors pop." You pointed out. "Great idea! See, this is why I need you to help me more instead of Garry." She chirped. "Speaking of which, where is Garry?" You analyzed the crowd. "I think he's showing off his new motorcycle." She pointed over to the car junkies. "Thanks Lilac!" You waved. "Anytime, Y/n!" She yelled back.

You made your way to the car junkies, and just as Lilac said, there was Garry. Garry has dark brown hair, and he is also your cousin. "Hey Garry! How are you?" You asked. "Hey Y/n, I'm good! Just working on my tricks!" He revved the engine, then throttled his way onto a ramp where he jumped over at least 25 people. You chuckled to yourself as you watched Garry almost loss balance on his landing. Knowing that he probably wants to be left alone, you decided to try to go to Amity again. Just as you were about to make your way to the door again, your phone rang. It was none other than Amity. You answered and plugged your other ear with your hand to listen better. "Y/n, could come to my office please?" She spoke. "Sure, I'll be there in a minute." And that was that. You asked for entry again and you were back in the manor. You took the same route as you did before and made it back to Amity's office. Except this time it was open. You entered the room and was greeted by Amity. "You said earlier that you had something to show me?" You had called Amity when you had finished with the project. "Yes, I have a couple of things to show you. First, I present to you the W.A.L Tie. W.A.L stands for Watch And Listen. This device disguises a camera and a microphone into a simple looking bow tie." You held up a small little ball that had a big blue light in the middle. "This is the Heart Stopper. The Heart Stopper contains deadly gas that can make anyone die like snap that." You could tell Amity was at full attention while listening to you. "And finally, We have The Spear Mans Ring. This ring is made from pure gold and fits and adapts to anyone's finger, here's why its called The Spear Man Ring." You put the ring on your ring finger and curled your hand into fist. Once you did so, A gold spear with a Viper engraved on it appeared in your hand. Amity, with nothing but amazement on her face, congratulated you. "Well done, Y/n! You have impressed me once again! I would like to congratulate you, if that's ok with you~" You felt someone's hands snake their way on your waist making you jump a little, you looked behind you and saw your other Girlfriend, Luz, give you the most lustful look ever.

"It's fine with me~"

Pt. 2??👀)

1308 words.

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