Stuck inside. pt.2

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A continuation of my previous chapter, yes this is a smut. Don't like, Don't read. As I said before, they are Aged Up. I just feel like I need to state that.

Y/n's p.o.v:
Before I know it, Amity presses her body against mine and captures me into a soft but deep kiss. I can still hear the rain pouring and the slight thunder in the distance, who knew on such a cold and humid day me and my girlfriends would be doing this. Luz dragged her cold hands against my skin, I guess I didn't notice when she put her hands up my shirt. But when she did, something... Awakened in me. I suddenly knew what I wanted to do to Amity and how I wanted to do it, Now I just need Luz to help me. I broke away from the kiss and whispered something to Luz, She knew what I wanted to do. Amity was confused for a second until she was quickly picked up by Luz and was sat in her lap on the small couch, facing me. I leaned down and recaptured her lips but at a much slower pace, I just realized how fast that was and gave her time to adjust. I  looked back at her and asked "You ready?" "Yeah, just please be gentle... I'm still recovering from her." She nudged Luz, earning a devious chuckle from the stronger girl.

I slowly slid my hand down her pants and felt her wetness instantly, She let out a small moan as I did so. Luz had unbuttoned her shirt and started massaging her breast. I made slow circles around her clit, earning some slightly louder moans from her. I did this a few more times before I took her pants off. "Oh god Y/n, plea- Ahhh~" I slowly pushed two fingers into her, her wetness allowed me to slide in easily. I looked back up at her to see her face a deep crimson red and her eyes shut. I waited a minute before I started moving at a steady pace. The noises she made were so cute. "F-Faster~" she moaned out. I picked up my pace and placed my thumb to massage her clit while I penetrate her with my fingers. Her moans muffled, I looked up again to see Luz had captured Amity in a deep kiss. This view is so sexy, I wanna just....

I pulled my fingers out and replaced them with my mouth. I gave her a long slow lick from her entrance to her clit, resulting in a much louder moan. This must have turned Luz on even more, She grabbed Amity's thighs and separated them to give me better access to the paler witch. I wrapped my mouth around her clit and softly sucked and licked it. "Oh fuck, Y/n!" The horny witch above me moaned. I gave her clit a short lick before my tongue inserted into her. She was so wet and warm, so close. I made sure to feel every nook and cranny of her cunt. Amity was a moaning mess and practically shaking at this point, must mean I'm doing a good job. I went back and forth sucking and licking her clit and putting my tongue in her until she said "Y/n I-I'm gonna- Ahhh~" I slowed my movements and tasted her juices as it flooded my mouth. I tried to swallow the majority of it.

She leaned back into Luz and tried to steady her shaky breaths. Luz let go of her thighs and wrapped them around her waist. I got up from my knees and was about to give Amity some aftercare when I felt her tug on my shirt. She pulled me closer to her, looked my dead in my eyes and said "I'm not done with you yet. Both of you." Me and Luz looked at each other with a smug smile.

"Round 2?"

(672 words)

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