Angels and Demons. (Pt. 1)

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Amity is a Guardian Angel

Y/n is a Guardian Demon

And Luz is just your average college student.

3rd Person P.O.V:

Candles were lit around a circle made of chalk, the lights were off and the doors were closed. In front of the circle a human sits with a book in hand, muttering the words on the page. As the human recites the last sentence the circle before her glows a dim white before a blinding light shines and the dark room is illuminated. The candles blew out by themselves and a floating figure appears. The humans eyes sparkle with awe, wings stretch out and flutter once before the figure lands on their feet. The light disappears as the woman looks down at the human. The human, mouth agape, stares at the woman before her.

"Who dares summon an Angel?" The Angle asks. She looks down at the human, "State your name." She says in a firm tone. The human stammered "L-Luz Noceda." The Angle looks at the hu- Luz and notices the book in her hands. "Where did you find this?" She grabbed it out of her hands. "I uh found it an old library. I didn't actually think it would work!" She flips through the pages and asks "What spell did you cast?" She eventually tossed the book onto Luz's bed. "Uhhh, The Good and The Bad..? Page 37." Luz stood up. "YOU DID WHAT?!" The Angle yelled and looked at the circle. All of a sudden, the circle glowed dark red.

Your P.O.V:

I was asleep in my bed in the underworld when I got summoned, you can only imagine how I woke up. THUD. I fell face first onto... Wood? "Who the hell summoned me while I was sleeping?!" I groaned and stood up. As soon as I opened my eyes a spear was pointed at me! "Don't move." Oh great, its an angel. "Hey, no need to point spears at anyone!" The human said. "Yeah! I won't do you any harm! ... For now." I don't think that was the best thing to say, because the angel hit me in my side with the spears handle! "OW! What was that for?!

"You just threatened me and this human!" The human got in between us. "Ok, Put the spear down! And you," she pointed at me, "You're not gonna hurt anyone, alright?" I nodded. The angel put her spear away and I brushed my wing off. "I've got a question for both of you," the human said, "Who are you?" The angel stood up straight "I'm Amity, Your Guardian Angel; I make sure you stay on the right path in life." The human looked at me "My name's Y/n, I'm your Guardian Demon; I make sure you live life to the fullest before it's over. So basically, She gets you away from trouble and I get you around trouble." I said.

"That also means we're gonna stay here for the rest of your life." Amity sighed. "Think of us like two roommates that are with you forever. That also mean you're gonna have to get used to me, Amity!" I laughed. "So tell me human, what's your name?" "Luz Noceda." "Well Luz, its nice to meet ya! Do you mind if I look around?" I asked. "No, not at all!" I opened the door and closed it behind me, I was always fascinated by the way mortals survive!

Back to 3rd person:

Amity grabbed Luz's shoulders and turned her around to face her. "You just made a big mistake! Demons like her are always up to no good, every human I've met said their Demon led them to their death!" She exclaimed. "Well, I don't think she's means any harm. And it'll take a lot to kill me! I think you should give her a chance. Maybe you two could become good friends..?" Luz replied. "I doubt it, I'm gonna keep an eye on her." Amity left the room in search of Y/n. Meanwhile Luz was pondering on how she was going to be able to live with two beautif- I MEAN CUTE- COOL- oh man, this is going to be a wild ride.


I'm alive!! Sorry I left you guys waiting for so long, I was burnt out and no motivation or ideas until this one popped up! I plan to make more of this, I might even make it it's own separate series! What do you guys think? Would you read it? Also, THANK YOU FOR THE 6.0K+ READS! Anyway, requests are open and very encouraged! Love you Gays, Bisexuals, Pansexuals and everything in between!

(769 words)

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