A Queen, a Knight, And a Monster

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Y/n P.O.V:

Thump, crack, crunch 

It was the only thing that could be heard around the forest. The stars lit up above the beautiful night sky. It was quiet, Chirps coming from the crickets every now and then. Quiet, And what better time for a cat to hunt. I moved from tree to tree with ease, hunger growing with each leap. I haven't eaten in 3 days, at this point I don't care what I find, all I know is that It's going to be my prey. As I searched and listened for any sounds of movement or smells of other animals, I soon found myself following a track of footprints. Not just any footprints. Human footprints.

They looked fresh in the dirt, and as I kept moving I could hear the clanking of metal getting louder. "Looks like humans are on the plate tonight" I thought to myself. I finally got close enough to see the human and plan my attack. The human looked as if they were searching for something. As I planned my attack, the human looked my way. Thinking I was a Jaguar or Panther because of my dark coat, They started yelling and flailing their arms. When I looked unbothered by the noise and movement, The human started getting tense. 

After about a minute of direct eye contact, the human starts backing up slowly while maintaining the eye contact for a second, then runs away from me. But i'm not giving up so soon, That is my dinner after all. Dropping to the ground, I bolted after the human, jumping over some fallen logs, and under some boulders. Passing ponds of water, and a nearby cave the human started to lose stamina, We were nearing a cliff that had a 70 ft drop into a rushing river. If the Human survived the drop, they wouldn't survive the river. As planned, the human ran to the cliff and stopped at the edge. "Such a shame the fun has to end so soon, But such is the cycle of life." I said, letting my human features make their way back to my body but not my arms. I stepped closer, and readied my claws. But by doing so I felt a sharp pain in my calf, looking down I saw several streams of blood go down my leg. I had stepped in a horribly placed bear trap. I looked back up at the human, and they looked as horrified as ever, that was the last thing I saw before I blacked out.

I opened my eyes to see that I was bandaged up and had chains on me. To my neck down to my ankles. I was laying on a cream color mattress with a matching blanket over me. As I tried to get up the pain shot up my leg and made me wince in pain. I looked at my chains and noticed that they looked brand new, no rust, and no deterioration. I got up from the mattress and hopped my way over to a small pond of fresh water. Despite this being a prison of some sort, it was very pretty and colorful. The ground wasn't cement, it was nice soft grass. There was a pond, probably so they don't have to bring me water all the time. There was a big tree in the middle of the room. My chains allowed me to go a good distance, but not to the door in front of the tree. The chain on my neck was big enough for me to breath, but not big enough to put over my head.

I got up on the tree and let my left foot dangle. As I did so some knights came into the room, and tried coaching me down. "What do you want?" I growled from above. "The queen would like to speak to you." "Queen?" I asked with confusion. "Look, we don't have time for this. If you come with us we'll explain." Finally giving into reason, I jumped down and waited for them to take my chains off. 'This is going to be a long day' I thought.

690 words

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