Time flies fast.

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requested by: @StuckwithAlastor

"Looking good" you said to yourself while finger gunning at the mirror. Today is a big day, normally you don't dress this fancy. Today you have a date with your two wonderful girlfriends, Luz and Amity. It has been a while since you were in Connecticut. After the defeat of belos and the collector things changed. Sure, you've still been talking to them but its been 4 years since you saw or held them. But here you are in your (Favorite color) polo and some white pants, getting ready to meet at the park, then go to the movies. As you spray yourself with some cologne you tell yourself the first thing your gonna do. "Hugs and kisses" you said aloud.

You slip on your shoes and grab your house key as you walk out the door, double checking to see if you locked it, then to the park you go. It wasn't that far about a five minute walk or so, but you still have the time to watch the birds fly. They looked like they were dancing in the air, nothing could bother those birds as they were so lost in the rhythm of dance. One would swoop low and the other would go high then vise versa. Then they would fly close together and circle around each other. You smiled at the the thought of your parents, they were kinda like that. Perfectly in sync and filled with love and joy.

You stopped and realized that you were now at the park, you took in the scenery. The trees stood out from the vast ocean we call a sky, The sound of animals filling your eardrums with bliss, and lest we forget about the smell of fresh air from the trees, the plants, and the flowers. Now this was something you could get used to. You were pulled out of your trance from a familiar voice.

"Y/n!" You heard from behind you, suddenly you were slightly pushed forward and was being held by your waist.

You turned around to be greeted by a familiar Latina and witch. As you hugged back you said "Hey, Amity! Have you gotten shorter? GUH-" you cried out as you got punched in the stomach by an angry witch. "I already have to deal with Luz's bullshit." Luz let out a dramatic gasp "Oh, how you wound me so Ms. Blight, But you know you love me~". As you were slightly recovered from Amity's fucking sucker punch, you saw how tall Luz was. "God damn, how tall do you have to be??" you said as you stood up straight, you were about nose height to Luz.

"I think you're just short." She chuckled and held her arms out. You gladly gave the taller girl a hug, and Amity also joined in.

(Imma make part two, I just need to get this chapter out so its not just sitting in my drafts)

486 words

Best friends to girlfriends (Lumity x Female reader) OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now