Scenario- When you come home with a black eye

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"Hey Y/n, how was your da- Whoa! What happened to you?!" She would be the first to try and tend to your eye, but after seeing you wince in pain a few times she would back off. She asked you of there was anything she could do to make you feel better and after a while she would settle on pampering you the rest of the day. Like cooking your favorite meal, cuddling, etc.

"Y/n, could you come help me with- OH MY GOD WHAT HAPPENED?!" She would absolutely freak out, asking you if you were ok and if your eye hurts multiple times. You told her who did it and she made a mental note to look out for that person. She would make sure who ever hurt you would be sorry. Despite your protests she would try her best to heal you.

Beta Luz:
"Yo.... Did you win?" She would more worried about if you won the fight or not, resulting in her getting hit in the head by Amity. She would ask you if she could touch it, trying to see how bad it was. If you told her you won she would gladly congratulate you and make your favorite desert. If you told her you lost she would help you train and get stronger, in the end she would still make you that desert.

Beta Amity:
"Hey babe, I want to sho- Who did this to you?" She would probably fuck up the person that did this to you, but for now she would focus on seeing if you had any other wounds that she should worry about. She would patch you up and tell you to be more careful. She would take you to go do your favorite thing if it wasn't to late, but if so she would just take you both to the park to have some fun.

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