Spark of Rebellion

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Warnings: Strong and Sexual Language; Violence, Gore & Death.

This first scene still continues from the last episode with the Sun Tree. Reader discretion is advised again if it is a trigger for you.


Crows picked at the bodies hanging from the tree. It was as if the sound had disappeared in the air as they stood looking at the eight poor souls who were killed for the display. They were horrified that two of the bodies were just children.

"The Briarwoods know we've come," Percy stated.

"W-We should cut them down," Keyleth shuddered.

"No. The Sun Tree's obviously being watched." Percy turned around and walked away. The others followed behind with sulled expressions. This display put the full weight into the importance of ridding Whitestone of the Briarwoods.

The group ran down the street as they saw two children playing. A human woman popped out of the alleyway motioning for them.

"Quickly. This way," she said as noticed the group. "Are you crazy? Out of the streets. Hide!" she yelled for them. The ground shook as a giant quickly began to approach them.

"We got to move," Grog commanded heading towards the woman with the rest of them hot on his ass to not be caught. They managed to get into the alley just as the giant rounded the corner on his patrol. He moved past them without notice.

"Grog, you're part giant. Can you vouch for us?" Scanlan nervously tried to ease the tension.

"Oh, what, 'cause we all fucking know each other?" Grog replied sarcastically.

"Well, I mean, kinda."

As the giant continued down the street, the woman gasped as she pulled at Percy's coat. "Why do you wear this? A-Are you part of the resistance?"

"Uh-sorry. I don't follow."

"The de Rolo crest," Athena said realizing she was talking about the buttons Percy mentioned earlier, "Maybe the resistance is using it."

"We're not with them, but we do share an enemy," Vax spoke to her.

"Whitestone is worse off than I expected," Percy concluded.

"The Briarwoods are dicks," Grog added.

"Perhaps we can be of use to each other. Tell me, is Keeper Yennen still alive?"

"Why do you want to know?" the woman asked.

"If you want change here, Yennen is the only one who can help bring it."

"Hmm," the woman thought. She concluded that they couldn't be worse off by helping them. She told them that Keeper Yennen was still alive and was currently giving her daily sermon in the square. The group slipped into the shadows near the center to wait for her sermon to finish. A few of the city folks were gathered around her. Many of them wore bandages covering past injuries they had suffered under the Briarwoods' tyrannic rule. Two guards were posted keeping watch of them and Keeper Yennen's sermon.

"Friends, I know you have suffered. My heart weeps and my back breaks under the weight of these past few years. But anger makes us reckless. Violence doesn't burn away the clouds. It only makes more smoke. Have faith and wait for a sign. A new dawn is coming, friends. And soon we will bask in its glory, together."

The crowd gave a murmured agreement. Their spirits were clearly a bit broken but they also had hope in their eyes. It's all they could have. Night descended on the square as Keeper Yennen finished her rounds of advice and blessings.

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