The Tide of Bone

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Warnings: Strong and Sexual Language; Violence, Gore & Death.

"Holy sh..."

The undead in front of Vax had his head blown off by Percy but they still had a horde of them ready to chew their flesh off. 

"We may want to get out of here," Vex cried. Their weapons would only put a small dent into the mass if they tried to fight it out. An undead with quick speed growled as it tried to bite Vax but luckily he was still faster than the sack of bones.

"Aren't these things supposed to be slow?" he asked as he continued to dodge its attacks. Suddenly a pack of them jumped onto him, pushing him to the ground. He was trying his best to keep their mouths away from them when a sword impaled one of the undead, pushing it off. Athena swapped her sword to the right as she let out a kick knocking away the remaining undead off Vax.

"Come on! Let's move!" Grog yelled as they all ran. Athena ran up to Vax helping him up

"Thanks, The," Vax grunted as he stood up with Athena's help. She gave a nod as they caught up with the rest of their group. The growls of the horde surrounded them as they weaved through the undead mass. 

"In case I wasn't clear before, the undead freak me out. I mean, why?" Scanlan cried out. He could have been Emon, deep into the brothel right now. A woman fell in front of him with a zombie eating her throat. 

"Help me," she weakly gave out. Scanlan let out a shriek at the sight as another undead toppled on Cassandra. She quickly carried through the momentum to roll with it as she tossed it behind her, its bones broke as it hit the ground. 

"Excuse us. Coming through!" Grog yelled as he sliced through members of the horde, leading their charge.

"Everyone, follow Grog!" Percy shouted as more of them popped out of alleyways. 

"More of them?" Keyleth cried out as she blocked the alleys with her vines. 

"How many dead people are in your stupid town, Percy?!" Scanlan called out. The purple eyes of the undead poke through the vines as they try to break through them.

"Where'd they all come from?" Keyleth asked. 

"Uh, the ground. That's where all dead people live," Grog stated. The group could hear more growling in the distance that was quickly approaching them.

"Do you hear that?" Keyleth rhetorically asked knowing full well they could hear the sound of their impending deaths approaching them. 

"There must be hundreds of them," Vex said.

"More like thousands," Athena countered, hearing the sounds of moaning and growling approaching them. She turned to the empty alleyway at the sound of another undead. It growled at them until it was cut down. One of the rebels from the prison came out an motioned for them.

"This way! There's a safe house!" They all immediately ran as more undead were closing in on them following the rebel.

"Inside!" they yelled pointing to the house ahead of them. They all ran inside as the rebel quickly close the door behind them. All of them were panting trying to catch their breaths from their escape. 

"Thank the Dawnfather you made it," Archie said as he lifted up a lantern illuminating them a bit.

"Barely," Keyleth panted out.

"We saw your message in the sky. Percival, what's our next move?"

"You're asking me?" 

"Well, we... I-I assumed since you're the rightful heir..." 

A Raven's Blessing | Vax'ildan x OC | TLOVMWhere stories live. Discover now