Echo Tree

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Warnings: Strong and Sexual Language; Violence, Gore & Death

Syngorn was filled with its elven citizens as they slipped through the alleyways. The people were almost unbothered that they were 1) in a different realm and 2) that their actual one was being rampaged by four dragons. Vax checked the marketplace, everyone focus on buying and selling goods. He pointed forward and they quickly passed by unnoticed. 

"First off, your hometown is... Wow," Keyleth chuckled, "But... how can a city just teleport to the Fey Realm?" 

"In times of danger, the Elven nobility have arcane means of... moving it. It's rarely seen," Vex answered. The twins stopped at the entrance to a street as they looked around. 

"Right this way...," Garmelie stepped forward before he was pulled back by Vax. "Whoa!" Two elven guards walked past them, one of them yawning. Garmelie let out a small laugh.

"You led us here for your amusement, didn't you?" Percy questioned with a frown on his face. 

"Oh, of course not. Going around would have meant pixie territory, and you do not want to tango with pixies," he jumped down from Vax, "No, straight through is the fastest way to the Shademurk. Come, come."

"Certainly are a lot of guards," Vex said. 

"More than I remember," her brother replied. 

"We're almost through. Just a few more blocks and we're..." A sword came up directly in front of Vex as guards instantly surrounded them. The group held their hands in the air.  "Fuckеd."

"Outsiders, state your names and purpose!" 

"Lower your weapons," Vex pushed the sword down with a finger, "We seek an audience with Ambassador Vessar." 

"Huh?" The guards looked around at each other confused.

Vax sighed, "We're his children."

The guards reluctantly brought them all to the twin's father's home. Garmelie seemingly had disappeared. It is located on the highest peak of the area that Syngorn is currently at. Based on what they both mentioned about their father, it didn't surprise Athena. They were brought into a large open room. Books lined the shelves that were made with intrinsic pieces of wood. Under different circumstances, Athena would have complimented it. Next to her, she could see Vax's dread coming off of him. 

"I assume that all that excitement of yours must be hard to contain for yours and Vex's homecoming," Athena smiled as she rounded in front of Vax. His expression changed slightly as let out a small chuckle. 

"You know it." They both chuckled together. 

"Sorry, I know that was bad. I'm working on it. Though...I know that this must be hard for you."

"On top of dragons and the Matron of death, I shouldn't be surprised that I have to confront him now. I thought my sister and I would go throughout the rest of our lives without seeing his face again."

"Did he really not care for you guys just because you are half-elves?"

"Pretty much. We weren't pureblooded enough for him but not muck enough to let us stay with our mother. We were forced to live here and attend school. But my sister and I decided to run away after we had enough of his years of verbal abuse."

"Is that when you found your mother?" Vax gave a slow nod. "While I remembered I had a good family life, I know this. Family is more than those who share the same blood." Athena grabbed onto both of his hands. A part of Vax wanted to pull away, to not hurt her in the long run wherever the Matron was taking him. However, his hands stayed clasped in hers. He wanted to stay as long as he could. 

A Raven's Blessing | Vax'ildan x OC | TLOVMWhere stories live. Discover now