7.So you love me

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"You are pretty…" she slurred, tapping his nose. "And you are mine." She giggled happily. 

Arsh smiled at that even though he was furious right now. Sahar had opened up to him but she wasn't that expressive and neither was he. They both were trying to make their marriage work and luckily they had progressed but they were still hesitant to express their feelings through words. He had noticed whenever he would do something good for her, she would hug him with a smile and for him, he would express adoration through pecks on her nose, cheeks and forehead. But whatever she was blabbering now in her drunken stupor would give her heart attack if she would remember them when she would sober up. 

As Sahar tried to walk away from him, he groaned holding her in place. "Sahar, you are testing my patience." He said annoyed as she tried to walk in the opposite direction, staggering and giggling. His patience was wearing thin as he dragged her towards their apartment. He was for sure going to give her an earful for being so careless as soon as she sober up. 

Despite him telling her not to wander alone, she had ditched him at the party as an excuse to use the restroom and somehow drank the alcoholic drink, unaware. 

His boss had hosted the party and had invited him with his family. He was excited to take her along but looking at her now, his excitement had vanished into thin air and frustration had taken that place. 

"Arsh," she dragged his name while he dragged her towards their apartment.

He groaned when she pinched his arm for not looking at her when she called him. "Lokk attt meee," she emphasized pointing at her. "Do I-I look p-pretty?" 

He held her swaying form from one hand and tried to fish out the keys from the other. 

"Sahar, hold on," he warned her as she tried to wiggle free, angrily. 

She kept wiggling now with tears in her eyes which went unnoticed by Arsh because he was looking down, while unlocking the door. 

As the door clicked open, he sighed in relief but it was short lived as Sahar jerked his hands away and plopped down on the floor, wailing. 

"I ha-hate you," she glared at him. "I want divorce." 

He gaped at her. Now what did he do to offend her. 

"Sahar, come on, don't test my patience." He bent down a little and held her hand, trying to pull her up. 

"No, go awayyyy. I don't want to live with you."

Annoyed, he pulled her forcefully and carried her in bridal style, ignoring her fist bumping with his chest and wailing. Putting her down on the edge of the bed, he swiftly pulled down her heels meanwhile she kept wailing. 

He took a deep breath and took a seat beside her. "Why are you crying, Sahar?" 

She stopped crying and looked at him accusingly as if telling him, how come he didn't know the reason behind her tears. To pacify her, he tried to look remorseful and muttered a 'sorry'. 

At that her chin wobbled and her eyes filled with fresh tears."You don't love me." She complained. 

"I never said that." Arsh said, wiping her tears. 

"So you love me?" Her question caught him off guard. He didn't want to lie to her. He wasn't sure of his feelings for her. He knew she was special to him but love…? 

He looked in her eyes and found her expectantly waiting for his answer. 

"God, you cry a lot, look at your face. You have ruined your makeup." He blabbered to get her mind off of the question and to his luck she really got distracted. 

She frantically rubbed her cheeks. "I want to wash my face." She whined and he helped her up and brought her to the washroom. She tried to wash her face as he stood beside her. She wasn't able to hold the water in her palm. Shaking his head, he took on him to do it for her and she let him. 

After washing her face and making her brush her teeth he had handed her the pyjamas and asked her to change into it which she did while he waited for her outside.

He groaned as he had to literally drag her to the bed and tucked her in. 

Filling the water bottle and switching off the lights he too slipped inside the cover. 

He had just closed his eyes, tired of babysitting Sahar when he felt her moving towards him. 

"You still awake?" He asked, startled. 

She nodded frantically and clinged to him. He tried to move back but he couldn't without falling down. Even though they were comfortable in each other's presence and physical touch  but they maintained or precisely she maintained a distance while they slept and he respected her decision but her drunken self had forgotten everything, rules and boundaries. 

He stiffened as she snuggled in his chest. "S-Sahar, please, go to your place." He winced as he stuttered. Thankfully she wasn't in her senses to witness it. He gently tried to push her back. 

"Sshhhh," she jerked his hands away and put a finger on his lips. "Let me sleep."

He sighed defeatedly as she resumed her place. He wished he had kept an eye on her as he struggled to fall asleep. 


The next morning was pretty heavy on her as she groaned because of a severe headache. Arsh had given her medicine and lemon water and gulping down both she had slipped under the covers again. When she woke up she felt a lot better. But as soon as her eyes landed on the digital watch, she literally shrieked. It was fifteen past eleven. Jumping out of the bed, she ran for the washroom. Freshening up she exited the room and found Arsh working in the living room. He looked up as he heard her footsteps but didn't say anything. Sahar frowned at his unusual silent mode. Shrugging her shoulders she heed to her growling stomach and headed towards the kitchen. Making herself scrambled eggs and toast, she pondered over Arsh because she had been in the kitchen for more than ten minutes but he hadn't initiated any conversation. Frowning, she tried to remember yesterday's incident but she couldn't. 

"Arsh," she shouted from the kitchen. "Do you want coffee?" 

"No, thank you."

"What the hell? What happened to him? Did I do something at the party? Did I embarrass him in front of his colleagues?" She winced at the thought. "That's the only reason he would be giving me the cold shoulder." She concluded with conviction. "But why can't I remember anything?"She groaned as she filled her stomach but to her dismay, she couldn't remember. 

Fed up of everything, she gulped the remaining coffee and sauntered towards Arsh for an answer. 

Happy reading!!

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