10.Let's go home

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As he arrived Tahmeena glared at him with hatred in her eyes but she couldn't stop him from seeing his father as he had been asking for him as soon as he roused from his unconscious state.

Zoya hugged him and cried while Tahmeena clenched her jaws. Her brother's family including Roshni was there too. 

Since the doctor was checking him up, he was advised to wait outside. 

He sat down beside whimpering Zoya and rubbed her back in a comforting way.

"He is going to be fine. Don't worry." He wiped her tears.

"I know but the doctor said that dad has gotten a major fracture in his femur. I can't see him in so much pain. He is such a bad driver. I am not going to let him drive anymore." Zoya looked determined. "Bhai, will you give me driving lessons?"

Arsh nodded with a smile. Sometimes he really felt jealous of his father for getting such loving daughters. Zoya and Hira loved him unconditionally. He wished to have daughters like them in the future too. The thought reminded him of Seher. He realized that he had left home without informing her. He fished out his phone from his pocket to ping her a message when the doctor exited Jafar's ward followed by the nurses.

He rushed to them.

"How's he, doctor?"

The doctor frowned while looking at him.

"I'm his son, Arsh Malik." He introduced himself and the doctor nodded in acknowledgement.

"He is stable now." The doctor said and briefed him about his condition.

He met Jafar and as the doctor said he looked stable but the bandages wrapped around him and the machine's wires attached to him pinched his heart. Undoubtedly, he didn't like his father but he didn't like him in this condition too. He never wished anything bad for him. 

He could make out that Jafar was happy seeing him there. As he exited the ward, he saw Roshni suddenly blocking his way.

"You left your phone there." She extended him his phone while gesturing towards the waiting area.

"Thanks," he snatched the phone from her hand and turned on his heels. He never got any positive vibe from that girl. He wanted to run away from her presence as soon as possible.


She was pacing around while waiting for Jasmine. She was the daughter of the owner of the academy where she taught in the past. They bonded there and had been in touch even after she left the job.

Exhaling forcefully, she looked at the watch when she suddenly had a feeling of eeriness in the air. She slowly turned on her heels and to her horror, a snake was slithering towards her, hissing on its way.

She got paralyzed for a second. As the poisonous creature that she feared the most got closer, she took a few steps back before running in the opposite direction, abandoning her luggage.

As she ran madly she didn't even notice the car approaching her. She might have gotten hit hard if not for the car halting an inch away from her.

She leaned forward, huffing badly and slightly turned her head to look behind her, not finding any sign of the snake, and sighed in relief and looked ahead while standing straight.

"What the," his eyes widened witnessing the person. "What are you doing here, Seher?" Arsh sounded aghast. "Were you searching for me?

"Huh, as if you were lost?" Arsh frowned, gauging her expression.

"Of course, I was not los-" He frowned as he saw her turning on her heels without letting him finish.

"Seher, where are you going?" He followed her. "Let's go home." He held her hand and tried to pull her towards the car.

"Leave me, Mr Arsh Malik." He left her hand and looked at her dumbfounded. Was she angry because he left without informing her?

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have left without informing you."

She didn't say anything and started walking again.

"Seher, let's go home. We will talk there. It's too late and we shouldn't fight, at least not outside." He requested in a pacifying tone.

"I don't have a home and you can go back. I am not coming with you."

"What do you mean?" He was frustrated with her over-the-top reaction. He accepted that he should have informed her before leaving but it shouldn't be that big of a deal. He even apologized to her.

Before she could answer, a car stopped beside them.

"Hey, are you coming?" A girl shouted towards them from the driving seat.

"Yes, let me just take my luggage." She shouted back.

"What is happening here?" Arsh's patience was wearing thin.

"This is the reaction to what you did behind my back." She said while fetching her luggage which was a few meters away from them. "And don't feign innocence, I know your truth. I talked to your girlfriend, Roshni."

At her baseless accusations, He saw red. He understood that Roshni might have done something with his cell phone to spite Seher but he couldn't believe Seher was such an immature girl to believe all that rubbish that Roshni might have fed her.

He ran his hand through his hair to hold back from lashing at her.

"I can't believe this." He muttered, appalled.

"I was at the hospital." He clarified even though he didn't want to. He felt she didn't deserve his explanation at least not when she blatantly blamed him for being a cheater.

She snorted. "What for? To erase the evidence of your sin so that no one could know about your extra mari-"

"Shut up." He growled with bloodshot eyes. He couldn't believe he married such a stupid girl. "Enough." He held her hand and dragged her towards his car ignoring her and her friend's protest. Pushing her inside he smashed the door shut and soon enough he was driving madly.

"Arsh, Arsh, I said stop the car." She held the seat for her dear life. "We will die."

"I don't care." She heard him and saw him speeding up more. She held her breath.

The car halted in front of a hospital and her head was an inch away from getting banged on the dashboard.

She saw him climbing out and striding towards her. He opened the door and pulled her out.

"Behave, Arsh."

"You behave," he asserted while glaring at her with bloodshot eyes. "Do not try to create any scene here, you have already done enough." He started dragging her inside.

Seher had an intuition that she had messed up really big this time and it got confirmed as she saw Zoya in the waiting area.

Happy reading!!!

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