9.I want a divorce

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He was coaxing her to open the door when his phone went off. Ignoring it he listened to her with a smile who was giggling inside. 

"You are going to sleep outside today. That's your punishment."

He heard her and opened his lips to plead but his phone again went off. He groaned and stopped himself from cursing the incessant collar. 

He sauntered towards the single sofa and plopped on it while fishing out his phone from his pocket.

Zoya's name flashed on the screen.

"B-bhai, ba-baba," as soon as he picked up the call he heard her hiccuping.

"What happened to baba?" He asked while his heart dropped down to the pit of his stomach.

"H-he is in the ICU." His breath hitched at the news. Even though his father wasn't ideal nonetheless he was his father.

"In which hospital?" he was sauntering towards the door.

Taking the keys from the key holder and putting on his shoes, he rushed out.


Seher waited for him to knock on the door again but he didn't. When she heard no sound coming from outside she unlocked the door and peeped out. She frowned. He wasn't there. Was he upset because she didn't open the door? 

Her mood dampened. She was happy a while ago but now she felt like crying. How could he just leave without even informing her? 

She was under a storm of doubt. She felt like he didn't value her like a life partner should be valued otherwise why would he leave just like that?

For a second she wanted to call him and apologize but she shoo away the thought as soon as it appeared. She wasn't going to show him that he affected her, not until she was sure that she affected him too.

She shook her head to get away from the negative thoughts.

What if he had just gone for a walk or maybe some important work? She shouldn't assume the worst always. She reprimanded herself and reached for her phone and looked for any notification from Arsh. There was none. 

No matter how important it was, he could have at least dropped a message.

She sat there looking at the door and her phone alternatively.

Half an hour later she switched on the TV to kill the time. Maybe he would be home anytime soon. At least she should be awake to give him a good scolding when he would arrive. She watched the movie absentmindedly while thinking of ways to kill that stupid man. Who leaves the house without informing their wives all alone at night.

She groaned and picked up her phone. It was enough. Not as a wife but as a good roommate she could at least ask him about his whereabouts.

She dialled his number and waited patiently while chewing her lower lip.

He didn't pick up. What the freaking hell? She was alone in the apartment even though it was a secure place but still if she was alone, at night and she was calling him, he should have at least picked up her call. 

What if he didn't hear the ring? Maybe he was driving.

She called him again. 

He didn't pick up this time either.

"I am going to give you a painful death." She addressed him in her head while dialling his number again. She was now worried for him as well. Was he alright because it had never happened before that he ignored her calls. Her heart pounded with fear when she called again and this time her call was received. She was ready to give him an earful when a feminine voice hit her ear. "Hello."

She went blank for a second. Was he with another woman? 

But she remembered he had female colleagues as well. She sighed in relief.

"Where is Arsh and who are you?" She sounded confident.

"Arsh is with me and I am Roshni." The way she spoke, Seher knew she was hinting at something. Something which she didn't want to think about.

"What happened? Are you his friend? Are you alright?" She tried to sound inquisitive instead of doubtful.

"He didn't tell you about me?" She heard that girl's surprised voice. "I thought he informed you about me."

Seher was not a kid. She could decipher the tone of the woman and also could catch the hint she was dropping.

Her legs shook with nervousness and her heart hammered against her chest. Was the span of her happiness and peace only this much? No matter how much she was scared and nervous she didn't want that woman to know. She collected her wits and replied. "He says when he is with me he can't focus on anything else."

She cringed at her own words.

She heard her giggles. "I want to believe you but-"

She had stopped in the middle and seconds later the call was disconnected. 

She looked at her phone. Only if she could reach there and murder both of them.

He was cheating on her otherwise why was his phone with that Sashni-Roshni whatsoever? 

She felt instead of blood, hot lava was flowing in her veins. Only if she could burn the whole world like she was burning inside.

She couldn't live with that man.

She abruptly rose to her feet and sprang towards the room.

Fifteen minutes later she was out of the apartment with luggage and a note was stuck on the refrigerator that read "I want a divorce."

She didn't want to go to Firdous Villa but she had no other place. 

But going to Firdous villa meant troubling her grandmother which she didn't want.

Fishing out her phone from her purse, she opened the contact list and scrolled down. Spotting a certain number she pressed dial.

"Can you pick me up right now? I will message you the address." 

As the call was disconnected, she waited for the person to arrive.

Happy reading!!

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