21.A thousand times, yes

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He took her hand, guiding her towards the surprise he had meticulously planned. The pathway was lit with fairy lights, creating a whimsical tunnel that led them to a secluded beach area adorned with soft candlelight and fragrant flowers.

The sun had dipped below the horizon, leaving behind a canvas of stars, and the moon casted its gentle glow upon the sand. Reaching the little decorated tent area, Arsh, dropped to one knee, presenting Seher with a small velvet box, encasing a beautiful ring, he looked her.

Gulping, he exhaled audibly.

She was looking at him curiously. Meeting her gaze a nervous laugh escaped his throat. "Seher. you know, our marriage was the arranged one, and to be honest with you, I wasn't sure what to expect. Love is a complex thing, and I can't say I've figured it all out. But, being with you, I've come to realize something profound. I care for you deeply; you've become my everything, my family. I might not have those grand words of love just yet, but I can promise you this – I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Seher could feel her pounding heart as he stared into her eyes while laying his heart bare in front of her. She felt special.

"You've brought a warmth to my life that I never knew was missing. I'm attracted to you, not just in the physical sense, though that's undeniable, but in the way you carry yourself, the way you care for others, and the kindness you show. You're all I have in the name of family, and it's more than I ever dared to hope for."

She could see tears pooling in his eyes. She wanted to drop down to her knees and engulf him in a tight hug but she wanted to listen to him as well.

"Seher, I might not be head over heels in love at this moment, but I want to fall in love with you. I want to build a home with you, share laughter, face challenges, and create a life together. I can't promise a love story straight out of a fairy tale, but I can promise you sincerity, companionship, and a commitment to always try my best for us."

Her lips curled up into a beautiful smile at his beautiful promises.

"So, here, I want to ask: Will you be my partner in this adventure, my co-pilot in this journey of life? Will you let me learn to love you more with each passing day and, together, build a home filled with joy and understanding?"

She couldn't hold herself anymore. She dropped to her knees and encircled her arms around his neck. Tears welled up in Seher's eyes as she stared at him. "A thousand times, yes." She whispered near his mouth before smashing her lips to his. Their first real kiss. He was taken aback but as he felt her pulling back hesitantly, he snaked his arms around her, pulling her into him before deepening the kiss.

The warmth of the sand beneath their feet, the gentle breeze, and the taste of their first kiss fused into an unforgettable moment.

The moonlit beach witnessed the union of two souls, brought together by fate and kindled by a shared understanding. As they embraced, Seher realized that love, like the ocean that surrounded them, had depths waiting to be explored.

Asslam-o-alaikum and hello lovelies.

As promised...the update is here.

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