12.You are hot

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Even though she wanted to skip college but couldn't because she knew it would be difficult for her to pretend to be happy the whole day in front of Firdous's hawk like eyes. 

When she was getting ready, Firdous had asked about the duration of her stay while looking at her luggage with scrutiny. To which she said that she packed too much in excitement to meet Firdous. 

It seemed like Firdous had bought her excuse and didn't interrogate any further. 

She left for college early and met Jasmine in a coffee shop. 

She narrated everything to her. Jasmine looked disappointed. "Next time, do not make any rash decisions." She suggested. "I was about to call the police on Arsh. That would have been so embarrassing if I did."

Seher gasped and looked at her friend horrified. 

"It would have made my situation worse."

"I know," Jasmine looked at her apologetically. "But I'm glad that nothing happened as you have assumed."

Seher nodded. 

She bid her bye and left for college. The whole day she checked her phone every few seconds in the hope to find his message. But she didn't. She sighed heavily as sat in one of the corner seats in a library and googled, how do I apologize to my husband? 

She scrolled through the suggestion with a bored expression. Nothing caught her eyes. Groaning, she exited the browser and tried to search for the apartment keys but unfortunately, she had forgotten to keep one with her. What a disastrous day!

She hailed a taxi. The whole ride she was engrossed in thinking about all the incidents where Arsh tried to make her feel comfortable, to make her home. Even though she could tell he didn't love her, he made sure to show her that he liked her. But after what she did was he gonna continue liking her? She had seen him making efforts to bridge the gaps between them. She had been cherished by him. And as the question of whether everything is going to be the same after her apology was haunting her. Because she knew whatever she did had broken all the bridges that he had built in the last few months.

As the taxi halted she came out of her reverie and straightened up.

Paying the taxi driver, she ambled towards the apartment building with tentative steps, mind full of doubts and a heart full of fear.


He had dropped her to Firdous Villa because he was super furious. He knew if she was to be with him he would end up saying something nasty to her that he didn't want. He wanted to first calm down before interacting with her.

He couldn't sleep the whole night. It was hard for him to digest that she didn't even blink before doubting him. During the past months of togetherness, he tried his best to show his intention that he wanted their marriage to work. Was it not noticeable enough?

He longed to have a family, especially after getting married to her. He had dreamt of a lifetime of togetherness with her. But what did she do? She accused him of cheating. She didn't even give him a chance to say something in his defence.

He kept checking his phone for any sorry message from her but the disappointment was what he got.

In the morning he felt angrier and cranky because of the lack of sleep and the terrible headache had worsened his situation.

He took leave because no way was he going to be able to work with such a severe headache.

Dragging himself out of the bed, he freshened up and made a black coffee. He was sipping his coffee when he heard his phone ringing. Thinking that it might be Seher, he ignored grimacing but the persistent calls made him groan as he reached for his phone. He sighed in disappointment as it was from Zoya. 

He picked up the call. Zoya told him that Jafar wanted to see him. 

Gulping down a paracetamol tablet, he got ready and left for the hospital.

Thankfully, Jafar was doing fine. He said he was just missing his son. He felt weird watching his father become fatherly. He wasn't used to it. It had been long since he had felt any affection from his father. Ignorance was what he remembered receiving from him. Jafar wanted to spend time with him but he felt bitter remembering the past. Even though he wanted to, he couldn't reciprocate his loving gestures and kind smiles. He excused himself and left for his residence.


She stood in front of the door and cursed the moment she stepped out of it in a fury without thinking rationally.

She didn't have the key so she thought to wait for him outside. Two more office hours were left. She sat on the stairs and leaned on the railing.

"What are you doing here?" She had almost dozed off when she heard an angry voice. Recognizing the voice, she instantly came to her senses and stood up with a jerk.

"You came from the office?" She asked with a smile even though she could see him in his loungewear and his unkempt form.

He shifted the parcel that he was holding from one hand to another and looked at her with scrutiny. "You came here to ask me that?"

"No, actually…" she looked at him in apprehension. "...I am here to talk to you."

He turned on his heels towards the apartment door. "I am not yet ready to talk to you."

She sprinted behind him and thankfully she was inside before he would close the door in her face.

"Can you just leave me alone for some time?" He sounded pissed but she couldn't delay the apology any more.

"Arsh, please–"

He interrupted her with a glare and stormed towards the bedroom.

She trailed him and grabbed his wrist. Her eyes widened as the heat seeped from his skin to her.

"Arsh," she gasped.

"Now what?" He yelled.

"You are hot."

"Thank you, I know that–" His eyes widened as he understood what she said. "--wait what?" He threw an incredulous look at her.

"I-I mean you have a fever." She looked at him bewildered at being incorrectly interpreted.

"So what?" He snapped at her and her heart jumped in its place. The man standing in front of her had been flashing smiles and throwing a warm look towards her after their marriage.

Her gut clenched and her eyes welled. "I'm sorry, Arsh." She looked up at him, her eyes begging him for forgiveness. He averted his gaze from her.

"Seher, I am not ready to forgive you yet and as you know I am sick I just want to sleep right now." He said and moved towards the kitchen with the parcel.

"Do not follow me." He turned back and fixed her with his gaze, who was trailing behind him. She nodded and wiped her tears and sauntered towards the sitting area.

She could hear the clatter of utensils, as he heated the food, ate it, and washed the utensils.

Ten minutes later, she saw him walking towards the bedroom. After he shut the door, she sighed and leaned back as fresh tears glided down her cheeks. A minute later, the bedroom door opened and Arsh appeared with his pillow, phone, laptop and charger.

"I ordered your food, it will be here in half an hour." He said and disappeared into the guest room, basically leaving the bedroom for her.

A smile crept up her lips. He was considerate even when he was angry. It was a silver lining for her. Deciding to take a quick shower before the food arrived, she sauntered towards the bedroom.

Happy reading!!

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