15. Let's go

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He felt the jerk in her body subsiding. As her sobs completely died down, he patted her back a few times before pulling away. As his gaze fell on her face, he groaned. 

Her eyes were swollen and red rimmed and cheeks and nose crimson while her chin still wobbled. 

He tucked the loose strand of her hair behind her ear. "Do you know that it was your mistake?" 

She nodded vigorously. He bit his cheek to stop himself from smiling at her adorable attitude. "Then why am I feeling guilty?"

Her brows furrowed. "B-because you were giving me cold shoulders." 

"So you wanted me to shower you with hugs and kisses after what you did?" He jibed and she looked down, ashamed of her irrational reaction. 

"I am sorry." She mumbled. "It won't happen again."

He exhaled audibly. She looked up and found him scrubbing his face with his hands. "Come here," as his eyes clashed with hers, his hands fell to his sides. She went closer and he wrapped his hands around her. "We are lifelong partners," he said while pecking her head. "Aren't we?" 

She nodded. "Yes, we are."

"We are supposed to be a strong team." He asserted and she nodded again. 

When he fell silent, she snaked her arms around him. "I trust you and I missed you." She whispered and he felt his heart stopped for a second before it started hammering against his chest. 

Scared of his condition, he pulled away. Rubbing his nape, he spoke. "Why don't you wash your face then we can go for ice-cream." She beamed at that. 

"Give me a minute." 

While she disappeared in the room, he stood there frozen, rubbing his chest. 

He didn't want to forgive her easily but he couldn't stand her tears. 

He knew he liked her but he couldn't understand why her innocent confession affected him so much. 

He missed her too and maybe what he felt was because of it. 

That seemed logical because there was no other reason for his erratic heartbeats and fluttering stomach. 

He liked her. He was habituated to her. So he missed her too. 

After a little debate with his conscience, he shook his head as everything seemed to make sense. 

She was out in exactly a minute. 

He noticed she was glowing even without any makeup on. With a smile tugged at her lips she stepped towards him. 

"Let's go." 

They were in the lift and she could feel his gaze on her which made her fidgety and aware of every cell of her being. 

Why is he looking at me like that? 

She jolted up when he held her hand and intertwined their fingers. 

Her heart pounded in her ears and she didn't even notice when they were out of the lift and how they reached the parking lot. She came into her senses when pulled away his hand. 

"Get inside." He said opening the door for her. Nodding, she hurriedly slid in too embarrassed at her lost behavior to make eye contact with him. 

He rounded the car. 

Soon, he was coasting through the traffic towards the ice-cream parlor while glancing at her every few seconds. 


It was late when they returned after ice-cream followed by a long drive and then stopping for a midnight snack before heading back home. 

While they made their way to their abode, he again held her hand. She noticed he had been doing it a lot tonight. 

After taking out her nightdress, she strode towards the washroom when he entered the room. Before she could disappear in the washroom, he held her elbow. She stopped and looked at him with a raised brow. 

"You look breath-taking. It seems red is your color."

Her cheeks heated up and her lips tipped up. She turned her head away to hide her flushed face from him. 

Chuckling, he spun her and when her gaze met with his, he winked before leaving her hand and walking towards the bed. 

A soft gasp left her lips at his attitude. Rubbing her cheeks, she sprinted towards the washroom. 


She had just dozed off when she heard a light groaning. Her eyes shot open. She looked to her side and found him squirming and groaning. She extricated herself from the covers and climbed out of the bed. Switching on the lights, she moved towards him. 

He was drenched in sweat while his face was painted in crimson. 

She touched his forehead. It was cold. 

He wasn't feverish. 

"Arsh," she shook him. "Arsh, wake up." She shook him with more force. 

He didn't seem to hear her. She patted his cheek. "Arsh," she yelled. 

He wasn't having any nightmares as well. 

He had fainted and the realization shook the earth beneath her feet. 

He was fine an hour ago. 

With trembling hands, she shook him more but to no avail. 

She knew no one here. 

She didn't know what to do. 

Having no other option, she called Firdous Villa for help. 

Her uncle said that he would be here in half an hour but could she wait half an hour. He wasn't getting up. 

Storming out, she rapped the door of her neighbor. She even forgot to ring the bell. 

She had encountered her neighbor, a middle aged couple who lived with their dog, a few times and apart from exchanging a few pleasantries, she didn't know much about them. 

The door flung open and looking at the expression of the woman she was sure she was going to get rebuked but as soon as her face fell on Seher's face her features softened. 

"M-my husband." She sobbed. "I need to take him to the doctor. H-he isn't opening his eyes."

The woman patted her back. "Give me a minute." The woman said and strode inside. A minute later she was approaching with her husband. 

"Let's go," she nodded.


Happy reading
See ya soon

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