Ch-18 "Liars"

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"Sorry? you think sorry will bring back my trust to you? i hate liars, i hate you"

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"Sorry? you think sorry will bring back my trust to you? i hate liars, i hate you"

"Chapter 18"

After crying for an hour, Jisoo went back to her classes as she decided to just focus on her studies rather than being pissed off by some annoying bullies. aka the Jeon Brothers. "from now on, i will just treat them as strangers, as if i don't know them.." Jisoo mumbled as she continued walking through the corridor.

As the next day went by, students started chattering as Jisoo heard what their all talking about, topics such as Rose and Jungkook is already together again, she doesn't want to hear these topics so she left and found peace at the library.

The brunette girl started reading some Art and Design books, history books, math books and every books that can advance her knowledge, since the only in her mind right now is to study.

She gradually turns into somehow a nerd girl, bringing back her old fashion outfits.

A never ending saga of chattering about her and Jungkook, thinking they broke up because of Rose, or Jungkook cheated on Jisoo with Rose, or Jisoo cheated on Jungkook with someone. it felt like storm, Jisoo's surroundings kept telling her some malicious gossips about her which made her uncomfortable, because of this, she also felt not wanting to school anymore if the only thing she only faces is the harsh comments throwing to her.

Even though she's a Officer, of course rumors about her won't leave her alone, it's even worst because she's already an officer.

At this time, she look so angry... so she decided to go out of the library, she then saw the Jeon Brothers, before, she always greets them with "hello" or something, but now, as they walk through side by each other, Jisoo ignored them which made then curious.

"Did you just saw what happened?" Jimin asks

"The what?" Eunwoo asks back

"Stupid, Jisoo ignored us" Jimin replied.

"Holy shit, my bunny...why did she ignored me, i..i mean us" Eunwoo said

"Bitch, stop, she's mine" Jimin responded

"Probably angry of what Jungkook did" Taehyung responded making Eunwoo and Jimin look at Jungkook.

"Jungkook, what did you do" Jimin asks

"Nothing, i've done nothing to her" Jungkook said

"Oh really, then explain us why you and Rose got back together?" Eunwoo asks

"I was drunk that time, the only thing i remembered, is Rose was the one whom took care of me at the clinic..." Jungkook explains

"Silly, i saw Jisoo whom the one in the clinic" Eunwoo said

"But--Rose, is with me" Jungkook said

"Jungkook, tell us, do you love Jisoo? or you still love Rose" Jimin said

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