Ch-21 "Save her"

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"Save me

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"Save me...."

"Chapter 21"

After Jungkook was left because Jisoo already ran away inside the university, he then saw some drunk guys walking in the streets, he eventually just ignored them, but when he find out that those are robbers because he saw them robbed a lady, he immediately went behind them and started punching them, "you shitty people" Jungkook said punching them hard as they have no power to fight due to their dizziness, he was very busy of fighting over those robbers until he felt a gun pointing from his behind, "you thought you would win to us?" The man said. "I will" he said as he went to the side and grab the arm of that man and use his elbow to hit the man's arm.

Those men suddenly ran away, as Jungkook grab the wallet that they snatch from the lady and brings it back to her, "thank you young man, may god guide you" The old lady said and leaves.


After that incident, the men decided to comeback for Jungkook, they already had been spying on Jungkook, as they knew that Jisoo, his beloved is his weakness. "Sir, i already have a plan" a boy said. "What plan?" the old man asks, "I plan that will totally hurt him.." the boy said while smirking.

Back to the academy, everyone and everything is all doing great, students, professors, even the Head Principal is slowly having the trust of the majority of the knetz which all is because of jisoo's wonderful plan.

It's already 5pm, which it's time for going back to school, in this unlucky day, Jisoo and Jungkook had a little small argument that's why they don't really talk to each other this whole day.

Jisoo was going back home she decided to get some drink as she's very craving on drinks like bubble tea lately, while walking with her bubble tea, she felt something different from her surroundings, she turns around to see no one, so she continued walking since she only believe that it's just her imagination starting to overthink again, she then look at the ground to see a shadow of a man, but when she turns around, she saw nothing...

The brunette haired girl started to get worry and scared, what she's feeling is very bad and suspicious, she fasten her walk... she turns around from her behind, and as she turns around in front of the side walk, "surprise" a guy said and made her smell something that made her felt dizzy as her eyes closed.

From Jungkook's side, he was just at their caveman room, playing  chess with Jimin... he suddenly received a message from Jisoo... at first, he didn't tend to seen it, but when he receives tons of messages from her he picked his phone up and click it just to see loads of pictures of Jisoo being tied up, her mouth is being covered by a electrical tape, her hair is messed up and bruises in his face. he lose his balance as he dropped his phone from the floor. "dude, what the hell?" Jimin said. Jimin pick Jungkook's phone to see Jisoo's pictures. "holy shit, what have they done to her" he exclaimed, Jungkook then steals his phone from Jimin to see a message.

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