Ch-17 "Jungkook is Drunk "

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"I don't care, just get the fuck out"

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"I don't care, just get the fuck out"

"Chapter 17"

Jisoo went to the lobby area with the other officers of Wisdom Academy, they are, Rose, Eunwoo, Eunha, Jihyo and D.O

"Hey Jisoo, i'm Nayeon" Jihyo introduces herself as they both shake hand

"Hello everyone, i'm Kim Jisoo, your new School Representative" Jisoo said

"Correction, our New President officer" D.O said looking at her while smiling.

"Uhm, so yeah...i've got many suggestions coming from our dear students of Wisdom Academy, some students most likely suggested a ball party, some students also suggested a somehow Bar party, where different kinds of drinks were the ones they can enjoy along with the dancing, some also suggested a field trip" Jisoo explained

"I want the Ball Party better, it's very simple yet elegant" Jihyo responded

"Ball Parties? isn't it too boring already? i'd say let's go to the Bar Party" Eunha said

"But field trip is also good" D.O suggested

"Yeah but we all know not all students were being allowed by their parents to go and have some fun, like the so called field trip" Jihyo replied

"And we also know that Ball Party has been very in common for everybody, it will cost a lot of money" Eunha said

"While, we also know that not all students are being allowed to drink alcohol or beer, majority of the students of wisdom wants to do the traditional party" Jihyo replies.

Jisoo already noticed that the other officers starts to fight, so she tried her best to calm them down.

"Everyone, please let's listen to the President" Eunwoo said

"Uhm..thank you eunwoo, so..what i'm trying to say is, each everyone of you has a point, there are negative side and positive side of the said suggestions, but since there are negative side, maybe we could pick a party where there is no negativity.." Jisoo responded


"I just thought, if we could have a fun party for childrens, like childrens in charity let's prepare something for them to eat, let's have fun games, and some clowns that can do magic tricks for them to be happy, i just thought that it would make them feel the joy , for that we can be able to share our blessings to them, make them taste the happiness they deserve" Jisoo explaines.

"For me that's a good idea though, we rich peoples should help people who are lowering their standards just because they are poor, we should give them hope." Rose said

"I like that idea, i'm actually agree with it" Eunwoo said.

"Yeah me too" Jihyo and D.O said.

"Me too, but i still want to drink beer" Eunha replied making them laugh in union.


As the officers already know what they will do, Jisoo went out to get something to eat, she went to the cafeteria to see groups of people gathering from a corner, as the school president representative, jisoo uses her job to make those students get away to see a Drunk Jungkook.

"Jeon Jungkook, get up now your drunk" Jisoo stated.

"I don't care just get the fuck out" Jungkook responds back

Jisoo was trying her best to touch Jungkook but he wasn't allowing her, he just kept on pushing it away.

"Yahhh Jeon Jungkook get up now!" Jisoo yelled like a mother.

"What the heck just happened to you Jungkook" Jisoo mumbled.

with the help of the other students, Jungkook was brought to the clinic. after bringing Jungkook to the clinic, Jisoo started to clean Jungkook's mess.

Jungkook make a mess by vomiting and vomiting. and now all what he vomited is on his shirt.

"Ugh, what got in to your mind why did you drunk yourself huh?" Jisoo spoke.

"You just cause a crowd in the cafeteria, if i didn't come there maybe you're already there for the whole day" Jisoo said to the sleeping Jungkook.

She began to wipe his face, his big arms and his neck. she also decided to take off his shirt without any hesitation, she didn't focus with his 8 packs of abs instead Jisoo kept on wiping him and cleaning him up.

"Now, what shirt you will wear?" Jisoo thought.

Jisoo was about to grad some clothes from Jungkook, but she felt an arm gram her wrist, she saw Jungkook, "Don't go, stay here" Jungkook said with a low voice as he pulled Jisoo close to him, and hugs her from the bed, "I still want you Rose" He whispers.

Because, Jungkook was so drunk, he thought Rose was the one beside him right now, hearing this, Jisoo already know the whole reason.

"Silly me, why would you like me? i'm just a poor girl" Jisoo whispers to herself.

With this, a small tear came out from her eyes.

She make herself free from Jungkook's both 2 arms and continued changing Jungkook's clothes.

After that, Jisoo saw Rose.."Hey Rose, should stay here" Jisoo said.

"Oh..but why?" Rose asks

"Uhm, you see i've got many things to do, so can you check on him?" Jisoo asks

"Oh, sure sure" Rose replies.

"Thanks" Jisoo replies back as she leaves the clinic.

She know that she shouldn't be hurt, but she felt that he heart broke into million pieces, with this Jisoo also saw how happy Jungkook is seeing his beloved, she also see them hug and kiss.

"Why did i even think you will love me, you just use me for your rebound? no, you use me to make Rose jealous..." Jisoo mumbled as she started crying

It's not also because Jisoo already started loving Jungkook, but Jungkook lied about everything, lying that they are a couple, lying he love Jisoo, lying that he cares for was all a lie, because of this, Jisoo believed that people around her was just lying to her...just by Jungkook, Jisoo beliefs that she should not believe someone except her friend, parents, sibling and herself.



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