Even Angels Can Love

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"You need me to keep a vampire alive?" Castiel asked, confused over the phone.

"Raphael and I are planning a controlled experiment," you explained. "We need one as a test subject. Besides, you don't need to, I would just appreciate it if you could hold onto one should you come across a nest."

"I will keep that in mind," Castiel sighed, huffing out a chuckle. "Coincidentally, Sam and Dean are going on a Hunt now. I believe that we may be dealing with a vampire but we still need to  gather evidence and make an educated decision."

"Perfect," you hummed, smiling. "Keep me updated?"

"I will call you when we know what the creature is," Castiel assured you. You heard Sam and Dean's voices in the background as Castiel fiddled with his phone. "Sam and Dean want to speak to you as well, I'm going to put the phone on speaker." You heard a beep as Castiel pressed the speaker button on his phone.

"Hi, boys," you said in greeting.

"Hey, how's it going?" Sam asked.

"Better, I'm slowly getting back in the game," you said.

"Cas told us about the trial," Dean butted in. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm fine," you snorted. "Ishim's been taken care of and Lily's finally living a peaceful life. I'd say that's a win, wouldn't you?"

"I'd say so," Dean chuckled.

"Yeah, anyway," Sam said, trying to get back on track. "Look, we wanted to ask what the Hell you need a vampire for."

"An experiment," you said, shrugging as you sat down on a nearby bench and lowered your voice. "I think that my blood can word as Dead Man's Blood. I mean, I'm technically dead, right?"

"Why not test it in the field?" Dean suggested, hinting at getting you to come along on the Hunt. "Perfect conditions."

"You failed all of your science classes, didn't you?" you said, rolling your eyes with a laugh. "Yeah, I'm not testing anything in the field unless absolutely necessary. Even if I wanted to, do you really think that Raphael would let me? Or any angel that knows of my status for that matter."

You heard Dean scoff over the line followed by some shuffling of leather. "Plenty of tests are done in the field."

"Because they're required to be in the field," you corrected. "Most tests are performed in a controlled environment with many witnesses and other experts to supervise. That's what I'm gonna do with Raphael, a controlled experiment. I'm not taking my chances with Death, boys."

"We do," Dean said.

"I am well aware," you snorted, spotting Meg and your latest assignment walking down the sidewalk. You gave them a small wave as you continued. "Remember the show?"

"Yep..." Dean sighed.

"Thanks, Meg," you whispered to the demon as she handed you a small bag from the bakery down the street. "Yeah, I would prefer not to end up dead so my experiment will take place in a controlled environment. I'll let you three know what I find out."

"Wait, did you say Meg?" Sam jumped in.

But before you could answer, Castiel, having known about the Demon Detail Lucifer placed to protect you in his own way, changed the subject. "How is working with Gadreel? I hope there haven't been any issues."

"He's been wonderful," you said, smiling up at the curious angel. He was spaced out, taking in all of his surroundings with a look of wonder on his face. "It's nice to see him out of the cell."

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