Lucifer Has Fur Babies

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"There you are, little dove," Lucifer said, smiling as you approached him. "I was beginning to worry you wouldn't show."

"You? worrying?" you faked a gasp. "I just got a little lost."

"Aren't you from here?" Lucifer teased, wrapping his arm around you and pulling you against him. "Shouldn't you know your way around?"

"I'm from the prairies," you commented, teasingly poking at his chest. "You got me to come to Banff, I don't know if you noticed, but this isn't exactly the prairie lands." You gestured to the thick forest and rocky mountains around you to emphasize your point.

"I thought you've been to Banff before," Lucifer said, leading you further into the forest. 

"I've been to Cypress Hills," you corrected. "Though, even if we were there, I'd still get lost."

Lucifer laughed as he helped you over a large tree root, leading you deeper into the forest without letting you go. It has become increasingly obvious to you that Lucifer was touch starved as there was almost never a time when Lucifer didn't have his hands on you since your little trip to the beach. That being said, you've only seen Lucifer three times between that trip and now, but the previous statement held true. Lucifer often showed up unannounced when you were with Gadreel, showing him around Earth and helping the Seraph navigate through humanity. There was one time when Lucifer told Meg to give you a heads-up when he popped by but that was after you told him to stop sneaking up on you by grabbing your waist. Lucifer took that as a give-me-a-head-up instead of a stop-scaring-me thing. He still startled you by coming up behind you and grabbing your waist but, you were warned about it.

"Okay," Lucifer said, stepping in front of you with a proud grin. "This is a bit of a surprise so..." Lucifer took your hands in his and put them over your eyes. "I need your eyes covered."

"Alright," you said, smiling as you covered your eyes. 

"Thanks," Lucifer said, his eyes trailing down from your hands to your lips. 

The Devil couldn't resist the perfect opportunity and leaned down, slowly pressing his lips to yours. You smiled as you leaned into the kiss, closing your eyes so you could cup Lucifer's face in your hands. Lucifer moved his own hands down to your waist, slowly tracing small circles with his thumbs. You felt a slight breeze of wind as Lucifer practically wrapped his wings around the two of you, enveloping you in a ball of red feathers. It was at that point you kind of lost it and started giggling, having peaked at the wings surrounding you. 

"Is this the surprise?" you asked, still giggling. "I can't say I'm complaining."

"No," Lucifer chuckled, taking your hands and putting them back over your eyes. "It was just a happy matter of circumstance." Lucifer stepped around you and gently grabbed your shoulders, guiding you forward. "Now, we still have a bit to go. No peaking."

"Alight, alright," you laughed nodding as you followed Lucifer's lead. "Do I at least get a hint?"

"Nope," Lucifer answered, popping the p. 

The two of you continued forward in comfortable silence, listening to the sounds of the forest surrounding you. The small sound of rustling leaves and bushes was calming as you walked forward. With your sight obscured, your hearing felt like it was amplified and loved the different sounds of the birds fluttering around and singing. The only time your little bit of tranquillity was interrupted was when Lucifer decided to fuck with you. There were a few times when you stumbled on unstable ground and he made a joking quip about how you didn't trust him to lead you in the right direction. Other times, Lucifer would startle you by blowing cold air behind your ear, making you jump more than once.

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