~On again, off again~

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-"Veronica you should have called me yesterday...", My mom told me disappointed...

-"You right mom, I know. My phone ran out of battery, then it was all that stuff with Garrett and I had no brain to do so I'm really sorry."

-"And why didn't you tell me that all that time you and Garrett weren't doing good?"

-"I didn't know how, mom. That was really complicated and I just...I just couldn't..."

-"He seemed to love you..."

-"People are not what they seem to be..."

-"And what now?"

-"I'm just going to walk away..."

-"What if he regrets it?"

-"What are you saying mom? You think he's going to regret almost raping me? Of course he won't!"

-"Mister Watson said you were a mess last night..."

-"If it wasn't him, I'd be dead or at the hospital now."

-"He's a good man. And you trust him.."

-"Yeah... I do."

At least mom is here for me. And she understands. And obviously she doesn't misunderstand the fact that I passed the night at Daniels home. If it was someone else he would have put his mind into forbidden paths....Later that day Brenda visited...

-"And now you're telling me you slept in his bed?", Brenda asked munching the toast my mom made her.

-"Uh yes but not the way you think. I just slept in there, alone under his sheets. He slept on the couch."

-"Damn why didn't you invite him to join you?", She said disappointed.

-"B, you know last night I almost died right? I couldn't even imagine sleeping with someone last night..."

-"Oh god sorry I forgot.... My mistake. And what did you do there anyway?"

-"He made me feel unique... I had a shower, I ate some goods he made..we watched a movie... And then he took me to the bed.."

-"And then why are you telling me you didn't fuck?"


-"Okay I'm sorry!"

-"And we slept... That is all. But that made me feel comfortable and nice."

-"Well that's great. You've found that one person to make you feel good...And that is amazing.."

My happiness was destroyed from my phone ringing... right by the time I was telling Brenda how good Daniel made me feel. It was Garrett...

-"Hey...",said Garrett in a serious tone with his voice being low and dark.

-"Hi...Garrett ..", I said.

I tried keeping my fear of him behind but it was impossible. I just wanted to cry because he made me feel awful no matter if he was around.... I just hated him and I wanted him to know that.

-"I'm sorry...for yesterday. I just went a little too far."

-"I guess there are no excuses for your behaviour...."

-"I told you I'm sorry. What else do you want me to do?"

-"And you think that by saying sorry to me about almost killing me is enough for me to forgive you? No Garrett... That's too much."

-"Come on now, I didn't kill you! You're being dramatic as always."

-"Garrett now for real if you find an excuse better than that , feel free to call me.... I don't even want to hear you now."

~Teenage dream~Where stories live. Discover now