~Remember us this way~

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-"Oh my fucking god...", I screamed breathlessly while sitting fastly on the bed.

I just woke up...Right after the dream I had last night....Well shit I'd prefer thisk to be real but no.... Just another wannabe scenario in my head. Happy one but hopeless...

I got up, changed into some comfy clothes and walked downstairs only to find Brenda talking with my mom.

-"Wakey, wakey...", Brenda said while weaving at me.

-"Hey...", I rubber my eyes..

-"Slept well?", My mom asked.

-"Yeah well...", I answered taking my seat right next to her. She leaned her arm for me so I could lay in there.

-"What happened?", Brenda asked me.

-"W-what has happened?", I answered fearing she'd know where I was yesterday afternoon.

-"You look a lot... tired?"

-"Well it's maybe from all that studying...a-and stuff nothing more."

She was about to speak when my mom cut us off.

-"Why don't you two go up to your bedroom? I'll make you both breakfast."

We agreed to the suggestion and so we went upstairs.

I closed the door behind me and sat on the bed, near Brenda who was already sat..

-"Where were you last night? I was looking around for you at the whole school. You were nowhere to be found."

-"Yeah I actually left earlier."

-"May I ask why?"

-"Just make sure you won't throw me out the window once I tell you so."

-"What are we? Kids? Speak!!"

-"I-I was with Daniel for a ride with his motorcycle, to the suburbs...."

She remained still. Though her eyes opened wide and her mouth was fully open....

-"No way..."

-"Yeah I was why would I lie?"


-"What?", I giggled.

-"Are you for real now?"

Her impression was not clear. She seemed to be mad also surprised....

-"Yes Brenda! Just speak your mind...What do you have to say on that?"

-"I have to say it's going great! And what did you do there?"


-"Nothing at all. We just sat there...staring at the sunset and talking to each other..."

-"Well that is amazing!!!", She shook her hands in joy....

And I lied...What could I tell her? That I almost made out with him? She'd either scold me for this or just be happy with my happiness. But once again I decided to keep it secret from her...

She's my friend. Best friend specifically. But I just want to keep it to myself. I want nobody to know.

-"What's the amazing?"

-"That you're talking, come on now. You like him a lot don't you?"

-"Only if it was only a fanciness for him...."

-"Things are getting deep... At least all this helps you getting over Garrett...Have you talked to him lately?"

-"Yesterday...He met me while I was on the go for school and he started off again by telling me all the bullshit that he's sorry."

-'I hope you didn't fall for these..."

-"I would never...and that's not ironic."


To be true I see something in Brenda's expression changes every time she's talking about Garrett lately... What's that now?

-"Anyways that's enough with my shit now. What about you? How are things with Jerry? We haven't caught up in a while."

-"Yah right. We... we're a little bit somehow... I don't know."

-"Tell me you're not breaking up.."

-"No...yes..maybe...I don't know...."

-"Brenda come to your senses....Why is that?"

-"Ask him...."

And now she's trying to get away with this easily...But no she won't get away with that before explaining to me why is she on crank of breaking up with Jerry..

-"No you tell me. I am asking you."

-"He's got on my nerves lately.."

-"You started over , again?"

-"Well that's the truth Veronica I'm sorry... What am I even supposed to do?"

-"Come to your senses that's exactly what you have to do."

-"I can't be with Jer anymore, I've gade enough?"

-"Is there somebody else?"

-*God...n-no. It's not about someone else , this is about me and my feelings."

-"Couples don't break up that easy.... You know that."

-"This is not the first time I regret my relationship with Jerry Veronica. If only it was. But it's not. He's given me the motif to talk about him like this a lot of times and you know that."

-"What are you even saying? He never treated you shity....Never. I can't understand where the problem is."

I am certain she is hiding something. I didn't want to argue with her so I cut it off. But she can't lie to me like this. She's lying and that's obvious. I just want to understand her and she is not letting me in. Brenda wasn't like this . Something's changed. But she's not letting me in so I can see through.

And what's that with Jerry? Jer's a good guy. And she used to acknowledge it. What changed now?

It was now afternoon when Brenda left... I studied a bit for the upcoming week and crashed on the bed. I love how tranquilizing is the feeling of crashing at your own space after a rough day.

Phone rang.... Daniel...

-"Hey pretty little one."

He what.... Ugh melting.

-"Hi Daniel.."

-"An I interrupting something?"

-"Not at all. Tell me."

-"We have to talk."

Fun fact...he sounded dead serious... I'm wondering why..."

-"All ears then.", I said in confusion

-"Garrett was outside your house this afternoon..."

-"What? Why?"

-"I don't know V... Maybe he wanted to tell you those things all over again... "

-"Heell I hate him." I said sighing.

-"Come on now forget about it I just had to let you know..."

-"He won't stop and sometimes I've got this feeling that he will harm us."

-"As long as I'm with you I promise you he won't harm you. And I
As for me I don't want you to worry. I'll be fine he can do nothing."

-"What would I do without you...", I sighed in happiness.

-"Oh....sorry doorbells ringing. We'll talk some other times.  Sorry aye.

-"That's okay Daniel see you soon."

-"Bye bye."

To be continued....

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