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An hour later or so, after I wiped my eyes off of my tears I decided to call Daniel...

-Hi.., he answered immediately

-Hi..., I said in a low voice...

Yeah he of course knows Im not okay.

-Without any salsa talks...tell me what happened? Because I can easily say that you are a mess..

yes...he knows...

-Everything has happened to me today...it just gets worse...

-I said no salsa..

-Fine...My mom started over that convo I was sure would happen sooner or later. About you...

-What about me?

-That its not normal...us being together..youre older and all that shit..


-Screw me...its not the time.. She cant understand me...Dan...

-What did you tell her?

-Nothing..she just found out herself.

-"You sure?"

-"Yes...I don't know why she's like this.."

-"Look..she is scared, I get it. "

-"But we're good together aren't we? Aren't you okay with me?"

-"We're at our very best, we'll always be good together, note that!"

-"I only want that.."

-"Did you tell her about Brenda and Jerry?"

-"No...she didn't even let me speak...The moment I twisted the key at the door she started saying..."

-"Do you want me to come over?"

-"No...I don't think that's a good idea.. not today.."

-"Okay... will you tell her about it?"

-"Yeah..when she decides to calm down and sit down with me and talk normally.."

-"That means.."

-"Never. Exactly."

-"My advice is to be patient and give the matter time. Soon enough you'll be a graduate freer..It will be fine."

-"When? When? I want to be free! Free to do everything I want.. Do you remember a conversation we had and I told you I have no ceiling?"


-"That is what I am saying.... I have no such thing."

-"I know baby. I know...Look get some sleep..Tomorrow we have a long day ahead... No school..The mourning..you know."

-"Okay..I'll try."

-"Do it. For me..."

-"Will I see you tomorrow?"

-"Yeah.. we can also bail some of the morning...It will help both of us.."

-"Fine. See you tomorrow then."

-"Goodnight princess."


I know.. I am calmer than I should have with all that happened.. But I can not be sad for someone that lied to my face for a long time now..No matter if she was my best friend.

I'm not even sad about the turn things have got with my mom..I want this person in my life...More than I need the sanity of myself. No matter what the people say.. I just don't care. Since he is good with me and I am good with him nothing can push me away from loving him the way I do.

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