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It's been a week since I saw Daniel for the last time..Time without him goes by tormenting me at it's highest rate... And he didn't even call why? Did I do something?

Also Brenda's not contacting me at all....I haven't seen Garrett in a while or he hasn't bothered me those days.... Jerry's been texting me some bullshit, whining about why Brenda's so snobbish with him. I don't quite know what to answer him... And also I haven't been going to school because I don't feel like it. Something is holding me back... Maybe it's just the fact that I don't want to see any of them...

And now the only person I am keen of talking to has disappeared...

Maybe I'll just get lost in my thoughts to get over it...

Daniel's POV...

This morning feels sick... Just like every single morning feels a lot sick... Because I haven't seen her in a week. Usually on Mondays we have some private tutoring but this time she didn't show up... I don't know why...I didn't text her... I don't know what kept me back....
That Monday evening felt so empty.. I hated it.

And I'm asking myself where is she? Did I do something that bothered her? Or did I insult her? Why is she gone?

I just wanna hear her voice again. Make myself sane again...
I've been riding my motorcycle lately wandering in nearby places trying to put my thoughts in order. Yet,trying to decide whether it's right to build up something like this with her, or if it's not..

Maybe it was meant for us to meet, that is why we are here today. And if we keep this up we can form something exquisitely unique....it's unique even now. I only doubt if she feels the same... It's somehow impossible but I can notice in her eyes.... That feels nice to her as well...Me? Her comfort person? Maybe... That's what she lets me see.


The doorbell rang...Luckily mum was home so I didn't have to go downstairs to open up.

I heard voices but I couldn't recognize the voices clearly...Until my bedroom door opened forcefully and Brenda streamed right into the place. She was fuming mad and her sight scared me somehow.. I don't remember seeing her this way ever again...

-"What did you tell him?", she almost screamed.

I was in shock...yeah I know what she is saying but..

-"What? Can you calm down pl..."

-"I said what did you tell him?", she hit her hand down on the bed where I was sitting.

That's it...have had enough. She got me mad.. And so I stood up with a soulless stare and an angry upper lip...

-"You know where you are...Brenda?"

She didn't speak at all...

-"In my motherfucking house...I will not..", she cut me off.

-"Why would you tell Da...", I raised my voice stopping her as well.

-"I will not allow you to come to my place, raise your voice at me and seek for apologies...You should be the one apologizing to me you know?"

-"I was trying to contact you."

-"No you didn't. I'm not stupid. You could have told me about Garrett. I had nothing to win from this, you know this. I had warned you a thousand times about him , you were deaf , it seems...And then I had Jerry telling me all about it because he saw you, you kept lying to his face..I want to know? Did you gain anything significant from all that?"

-"I never said you're stupid. I know you knew. And damn it Veronica the truth is I am dating Garrett a whole year now, that's the fucking truth...I couldn't tell you.."

What in my holy ears...There's no goddamn way...Hahah..No.

-"No no no, Brenda what are you saying.."

-"Listen, Garrett was planning to kill you at the ball...he's on drugs... was and is...If I spoke to you about it, I was the next one to die...That is why he didn't touch me when we came upon him to stop him...I could not bare the fact that he'd kill you, V... You are my best friend...But I liked him ever since I remember myself...I wanted him for me...despite the fact he was with you...Jerry knew? of course he did...He saw last time we crossed this street Garrett saw him...Only thing that disappoints me is why you told Daniel..He came up to Garrett last morning and beat him up...You could have told me instead...You knew I was there..."

Is she even listening to the words coming out of her mouth? What the fuck is she telling me? And why am I learning all these now? After all this time...

-"Tell you what Brenda? Tell you about you? I'm not as stupid as you are..Now get out..", I told her looking out the window..

-"You're not answering to me.."

-"I said get out.."


-"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT...", screamed before I started crying in front of her, showing off my weakness at this point..

She left gazing down at the floor like she should and left..

I was left cold, my hand covering my mouth, with a head full of thoughts and a blank gaze..

Tears strolled down my cheeks...again...again for things I have no reason to cry...just because I'm too good and too emotional at times and I can't get ahold of situation that destroy everything... I shoved my face in the pillows and breathed heavily...

-"Shit...what have I done to get all these?", I told myself...

Garrett on drugs... Brenda's been with him all along and I could see nothing.. Jerry's as well been lied to... And Brenda's yet looking for apologies from me...At the time where she's supposed to be on her knees begging for forgiveness...I don't want to see her...I don't know if I can ever speak to her after this.... I can't trust her anymore... And I don't want to see Garrett, I don't want to see Jerry, I don't wanna see mum ...I just wanna see Daniel.... It sounds pathetic and weak but I just wanna cry on his shoulder...so I can find myself again...so I can see clearly again...
Yes that's what I should do...I picked up the phone and quickly searched his contact...


-"Hey!! I was thinking about you..."

-"Yeah me too...Can you come take me...? Please..."

-"Damn...yeah I'm on my way!", He huffed in excitement and hung up...

Dear lord how I want to tell him everything I feel...But I'm going to lose him if I do, I know...But that's what I do with him... I open my heart to him and speak my mind...Oh damn...that's all crazy but I love the way it is...I should probably get ready....

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