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Daniel's POV

This time I think something's happened... But she doesn't speak up, she opens up to me but she's yet cryptic...like she doesn't want to talk about something, or she's stalling it or even avoiding it.

She looks sad, scared at the same time betrayed....

-"What happened? And I need an answer you look devastated."

-"Can we go please? I'll tell you on the go.", And she almost broke down into tears...something held her from doing it.

Many were the times she just wanted to burst out in streams of tears but held herself from doing it. She has said she wants to be herself with me. She tries at least...

Shit...it just started raining...

-"What we'll we do now?", She asked with a tone full of disappointment...

Think fast Daniel! She needs you! You can't just return her back home.

-"Let's go to my place. If you want..."

-"That's perfect.", She said and held me tighter.

I exceeded the speed and turn all the way round so I could take us to my place the fastest possible.


I have to admit. He's a great rider. He knows his moves and is so able to control such a machine like this. Before I ride his bike with him he looked almost stared into my soul and all I wanted to do was crush into his chest and start crying.

I want to tell him all of it. Every last detail. I want him to know. He'll ease me by doing nothing and I am sure of it.

We arrived at his place... He told me to run inside, handing me his keys so I could get any wetter. It was literally pouring. I don't know but being here again makes me feel nostalgic in a way. But in a good way. And with a very strange way everything here feels like home...

I walked in leaving the door slightly open so he could get in. He closed the door behind him and walked over to me.

I didn't notice him at first because I was just looking around at the place sniffing the air of it into my lungs. I noticed him once he laid his hands on my shoulders making me look at him , startled.

Yeah...big mistake I got a little scared , I can't lie...my look was scary, dreadful.

-"Who hurt you?", His glance got soft and empathetic.

-"I'm sorry for looking at you like this...I-it's just that I ...today was a heavy day. Things happened out of nowhere...And I'm sorry for calling you..."

-"Don't you ever say this again. I got concerned all those days. You were not at school, you were nowhere to be found, you didn't come in the tutoring. I'd call you anyways."

-" I don't know if this sounds wrong but you're the only one I want to talk to in times like this one here..."

-"Remember Veronica I'm not only mathematics... I'm here for other reasons as well."

I just couldn't keep it any longer... I ran onto him and hugged him.

Instant electricity...Affection and warmth. That's what I needed. And right out of nowhere it was all gone. Anxiety, fear, sadness ... Everything was gone. Only thing I had to do now was to tell him everything.


-"You're wet. Let me get you a towel. And if you can put another wood in the fireplace I think it's still burning. Sit near it , I don't want you to get cold."

He went into the bedroom to take a towel for me to wrap my hair around. Thankfully only my coat and shoes got wet, the rest of my clothes didn't.

He came back to me, changed his wet clothes leaving a small part of his v line uncovered... I couldn't help but stare.... He fixed it slowly while walking my way, staring right into my soul with those pearl blue eyes of his. God how I almost faint under his gaze every single time...

He handed my the white towel and kneeled right in front of me...

-"Are you hungry? I can make something for us to eat.", He told me resting his palms on my knees. Those stares....oh god. So intimidating but so pure and caring.

-"I don't want you to get into trouble for me it's not....", He cut me off.

-"I got it you're hungry. I'll be back in ten. Stay here."

Later on...

He made us sandwiches so we could eat and sat by me on the floor near the fireplace.

-"So do you want to tell me what happened?"

-"Okay...", I huffed, "It was calm this morning until Brenda decided to show up after weeks having so much nerve to ask me about her ex and all those things he was suspicious of. You know what I mean, I've told you, you know what things I am taking about."

-"Yeah that she's cheating and that she might be with Garrett..."

-"Yeah guess what? You and Jerry were right on your suspicions. They're dating ..a long ass time now.."

-"Woah what do you mean? Ever since when?"

-"Remember the ball? Even before that..."


-"She was seeking for apologies, the time she is the only one who should apologize for everything..."

-"What did she tell you?"

-"That I'm the one to blame for everything that happens and other bullshit she just had our of her head. The best hasn't come yet. After I hit her were it hurts she admitted that she had that affair with Garrett, that she knew when Garrett was about to kill me just so I could not team up with Jerry when I found everything out, that she was and is jealous of me for being with Garrett at the same time she was dating him."

-"And she was your friend aye?", He laughed.

-"Best part is that after all she turned the conversation to you..."

-"What do you mean?", He told me concerned.

-"Why do I trust you and why am I so close to you and that you affect my opinion and way of thinking, that you're bad for me..."

-"Oh dear lord come here..."

He gripped on the back of my head letting his plate on the floor, pulling me into his arms... I tear dropped this time..

-"And it was then when I shouted with all the power I had left inside of me for her to leave.... That hurt like a bitch, Daniel..."

-"When she gets near you again, whether her or Garrett , I want you to tell me, okay? Promise me that."

-"I promise." , My face was now full of tears and his hand was caressing my semi wet hair, his fingers combing through them.

That felt so soothing. As light as feather on the skin.

-"Daniel I...", I spoke after all the silence... I feel it's time I open up...

-"I know...", His answer almost shocked me...

To be continued...

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