~Love you like oxygen...~

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The next day, I woke up bright and early for school. Woke up... I didn't sleep at night...I was thinking. Thinking about Daniel and what he's told me on the phone, and all those things that happened on Saturday... Maniacally revolving in my head... All night long.

And it seems strange to me...Why would a person care about me that way? Because it feels so unique. He saved me, he offered me his house to stay the night, he spoke for me when I was unable to stand up for myself...

Anyway I put some jeans on, and a plain long sleeved shirt, grabbed my bag and left for school...No breakfast because I had no time to do so... I should have woke up earlier.

The weather was so perfect, sunny and warm as if it was spring.... Even though it's winter yet... As I was walking down the road I felt someone pulling me back...

I turned around to see... It was Garrett...
I didn't want this encounter ever....At any cost... It felt like I saw a stranger... I hated him touching me even the slightest of touches...

-"Hey V..."

I eyed him intensely,saying nothing and kept walking...

-"Hey Veronica I'm sorry...."

-"Leave me alone Garrett you passed the red line, it's over now.", I told him and he pulled me to him by my wrist.

-"You don't mean that do you?"

-"Of course I am. You've gone too far , not only this time, but it's been since always you've been going too far with me not understanding me at all. And I hate it, Garrett....I always hated it. So I want you to leave me alone."

-"Veronica I am sorry for real , I need you."

-"I'm going to scream if you don't let me go in three...two...", His grip didn't loosen on my wrist..."one....", And it was then he let me go.

-"Veronica please...", He shouted as I was running away from him...

I wanted to cry...I was helpless, all alone and the only person I wanted to talk to now was Daniel...

I arrived at the school and walked in angry...Garrett had pissed me off and it couldn't be hidden.

I pointed my glaze to the blank space in front of me and kept walking desperately.

I thought I bumped into a wall but when I looked up , I realized I had bumped into Daniel...

-"Hey hey hey... What happened you look upset..", he stopped me by forcing his hand on my shoulder.

-"I'm fine....", Of course I lied, even though he could detect the lie from miles away...

-"Good... you're coming with me.", Said Daniel and pulled my arm and dragged me towards an empty office so we could talk privately...

-"I told you I'm fine, Daniel!", I whined and then he placed his finger over my lips for me to stop talking.

His stare was intense...He was looking at me right in the eyes without breaking the contact. My cheeks were flaming up I could feel it.

-"Now you speak.", He said and took a step back.

-"I met Garrett on my way here...", I said while looking at my fingers.

-"And?", Said Daniel, narrowing his eyebrows..

-"And he started all along with the bullshit..", oops I cursed.


-"Yes.... And he started all over again trying to convince me he didn't want to go too far with that..."

-"You walked in really angry...At least you weren't crying or something..."

-"My tears are too pricey for me to cry for him."

-"That's my girl...", He told me while he came around me patting on my shoulders, resting his hands there.

And suddenly I felt tears running down my cheeks and it felt like I was burning. Every muscle in my body was burning and my breath got heavier out of nowhere. He noticed and he didn't leave that without any comment.

-"you liar just said you wouldn't cry for him and now you are."

-"I'm not crying for him trust me..."

He then hugged me....I didn't expect that. But I wouldn't pull myself away because the only thing I needed now was a hug. And to be more specific his hug.

-"I'm going to be here. Anytime. And if he ever comes near you again, or threaten you, you must tell me.", He said while swiping some hair off my face.

-"Okay I will."

-"Promise me.", He said and stuck out his pinky finger.

-"I promise.", I said and attached our fingers together.

-"Great. We'll have to do what we did on Saturday don't you think?"

-"Yeah I'd love it."

-"Good then. We'll arrange it."

He carresed my head and I stood up and left.

I felt like a princess. So unique, so amazingly I couldn't help but smile widely. And I didn't want to hide it from anyone.

Brenda was at the end of the corridor and I approached her.

Daniel's side of view....

Alright... I'm a math teacher, I'm...quite experienced in my job and I think I'm good at it.. At least that's what I earn from the kids.

It's been like six years I teach at this school here and I have learned a lot from the children I come along with. Good and bad things...

But this....? This I've never seen this again. Her...Veronica... I've distinguished this girl from afar... She's got a spark in her eyes that spirals inside of me everytime she looks into my eyes...

You'll say.. you're fourty you can't be like this come on, are you a fifteen years old teenager? No. I am not. But I call it human interest.

She has went through rough things... she's told me, we speak from time to time. Even more now that we came closer. I didn't want us to get close this way but it happened. And i can see she's devastated. This boy damaged her and will damage her if nobody helps her. Now.

I've come along many students ever since I started teaching, but I haven't been attached to a student like I am with her. She is unique. Unique in ways most people can't see by the first sight. But I understand her the most. And I'm thankfull for everyday I get to know her better.

And I promise I'm going to help her with whatever she needs. And I'm dedicated to protect her from the guy, even save her from him if that sounds right...

On Saturday I came to face the real side of her. The emotional side of her. When I separated her from Garrett and held her in my arms I felt her shivering. She was scared, almost senseless and I was carrying her. Away from danger, away from him. And she held me tight. She felt safe and I knew it.

Then at my place... I felt like I had to take care of her, treat her the best so she could feel the best way possible at that time after all that happened that night. And then it's her sleeping....In my bed. She looked angelic. Like she was from a whole another world. She looked beautiful. And this picture is never going to be taken away from my mind. So peaceful.

To be continued...

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