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We arrived at the warehouse..

The place is huge... I'm looking for Brenda but it's so difficult to find her. There's actually fire coming from one side of the building... She was right...
The question now is why are Garrett and Jer in there...

-"There she is.", Says Daniel and I run to her.

I approach her and kneel close to her.

-"What the hell is going on?", I ask her.
She's sobbing. My best friend is sobbing. And she's not faking it.

-"They.. they're in there...", She whispered. There was no voice coming out of her or better couldn't come out... She was a mess, so weak to speak.

-"Why? What are they doing in there?", I threw my hands on her shoulders and shook her slightly so she could look at me.

-"Garrett was at my house ...in the afternoon, Jerry knocked at my door and rushed onto Garrett... He punched him and...and Garrett told him to go outside and talk like men."

-"What did they argue about?"

-"For you, for me..."

-"And how did they get here?"

-"I told you they got out and when I went there to check they were nowhere."

-"How did you know they were here Brenda??"

-"Garrett was talking about the place some days now, he's on drugs again. He's got a person of his who's keeping his stuff here, he's been talking about it all day long. So I drove here and called him when I saw the fire , he told me he was there."

-"Can we get in there in some way?", Daniel asked.

-"Why do you care? And why are you here?"

-"Don't talk to him like that. Stand up. There must be a way to get in there..."

I give her my hand so she can stand up. At first she just sat there looking at me but then she took my hand and stood up.

She said nothing...

Daniel said nothing...

I said nothing...

Silence...just the sound of something burning...


-"NO!", Somebody screamed...

And not a second later....the building exploded...

It exploded...there was fire...only fire and smoke...

Brenda turned around to see...Her knees couldn't keep her steady...she fell on the ground and covered her mouth, screaming in it...

I turned to Daniel...

Daniel turned to me...

-"They're dead...dead Veronica dead! And we are to blame. We are the reason they're dead.", She looked at me screaming her words crying so hard there was barely no sound.

Daniel came near me and hugged me...

-"It's not your fault...", He whispered to me.."they chose their path.

If that's not a surprise then what is?

Like it was inspired from an action movie... Garrett was walking out of the flames...covered in ashes and black stains from the explosion...

-"Garrett!!", screamed Brenda within her tears and skreaks...

-"He-he's alive..", I whispered to Daniel...

-"Oh hell he is...", He answered.

He came close to us. He kept staring at me like nothing has ever happened. But his stare was deadly... It was and is the only time I am not afraid of this stare. All because Daniel is here with me.

~Teenage dream~Where stories live. Discover now