24; the secret cave

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"oh my god!" cried out aunt luna as she rushed towards her nieces and bringing in jake as well for a group hug

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"oh my god!" cried out aunt luna as she rushed towards her nieces and bringing in jake as well for a group hug.

"yoon, oh my god...wh-why did you flee the hospital! you had me worried! especially after everything that happened!" exclaimed the woman in distress while tears streamed out of her eyes.

"guys i know there's a lot to say but we have no time! quick! follow me!" exclaimed yoon as she grabbed jinas arm trying to run back into the woods.

"no! sim jayun! we- ARE- LEAVING!" exclaimed luna grabbing yoons wrist, "I NEED TO GO TO THE POLICE! NOW! AND REPORT THAT EVIL MAN!"

"n-NO! aunt luna please! PLEASE LISTEN TO ME!" exclaimed yoon.

"NO! YOON! this! this is too much!" broke down the woman, "YOU GUYS ARE JUST KIDS! NO KIDS SHOULD BE GOING THROUGH THIS!" argued luna looking at each kid.

jina looked down and noticed her hand stuffed in her pocket. her eyes widened a bit and it left her mind of what she did. she looked up at her arguing sister and aunt and let out a sigh.

she pulled her hand out of her pocket and in her hand she was holding all of the stones. she clutched her hand tightly not knowing what to do with these. but her eyes slightly widened all of the sudden feeling all sorts of emotions.

jina was basically holding pieces of her family. soobin, dad, her grandfather, and other family members.

"AUNT LUNA! you need to understand that those stones that minhyuk are taking a hold of are very powerful! we need to get those stones and-"

yoon suddenly stopped as she turned to her sister who was holding a handful of them. her heart dropped, "j-jina? y-you...how?"

"i-i don't know i stole them..from him." mumbled jina as she looked up at her sister who was marching towards her.

"jina, listen to me, you take very good care of them! they are very important!" exclaimed yoon, "aunt luna please! we need to do what is right! something that our family will want for us to do! think of your sisters! think of soobin!" cried yoon.

"if he gets to these stones...and kills me, jake, and jina...you are all...dead..." said yoon as tears spilled out her eyes, "i know what to do! trust me...please!"

everyone looked at each other in pure terror but they all knew that they had to listen to yoon. they all felt like they could trust her. luna's eyes were glued to the ground and she was contemplating whether she should listen to her niece or not. she was so confused she didn't know what to think.

she huffed in defeat, "yoon, are you sure...you know what to do?" she questioned.

yoon nodded and held her aunt's hand. luna nodded, "okay, what do we need to do?"

"we all need to get together in the woods, i know where to go." said yoon as she began to quickly jog away. jina quickly followed behind trying to catch up so that she could ask questions.

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