11; the murder of choi soobin

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i would say november 4th is officially the day i absolutely hate the most

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i would say november 4th is officially the day i absolutely hate the most.

watching my cousin die was something i never thought i'd ever see. i never thought that one second i'd be having fun at a party, the next..watching my cousin getting murdered, and the next being in a police station with no one.

the events of soobin dying replayed in my head over and over and over again. i couldn't get the image out of my head. his bone chilling screams. his blood flying all over the place.

i can feel my body tensing up remembering each and every detail. my eyes widening each and everytime an image played in my head.

after heeseung and i were found in the classroom i couldn't look at professor minhyuk anymore. his sons blood was splattered on my clothes and face. heeseung and i couldn't speak due to how shock we were.

police surrounded the school and everyone from the party had to leave while heeseung and i were transferred to police cars.

"are you ready miss sim?"

i get taken out of my thoughts and look up. i see a detective and police officer, "jina, if you need to take a break, you can...but you're gonna have to cooperate with us. so, now, do you think you could explain to me what happened?"

i took a deep breath in and out while slowly nodding.

"good, now, tell me what you did through out the day." said the detective.

"i got out of school to get ready for jays party. i went to my dorm, hung out with heeseung and we got dressed for the party. during the party heeseung and i did drink a bit. w-we....we wanted to be alone so we went out to our hang out spot which is an abandoned greenhouse kind of like in back of the school..." i explain calmly as my memories began to play in my mind.

"we went to the green house and laid there with my picnic stuff. then...uh...heeseung and i heard screaming. someone was screaming "help". uhm...then....heeseung and i got out of the greenhouse...to see like...wh-who was...uh..screaming.."

third person pov..

the detective and cop listening to jina began to notice how tense the girl became. every second she'd pause or clear her throat due to her throat tightening to prevent herself from breaking,

"heeseung and i walked down the woods...a-and behind these bushes...there was a large stone...a-and...uh..."

tears started to form in jina's eyes and her voice began to crack.

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