Sunny Solari

206 3 18

HOLA. This took so long, I wrote mah butt off. Enjoy it.

Sunny had just finished gym. Her golden curly hair had been soaked in sweat. Her sweatshirt was now filled with sweat and the heat had made it worst. The good news was that she has lunch next. Where are my friends and... wha... s-Starflight? She noticed this messy black hair, and his nice black (with white splotches)  jacket. It was a miracle to see him again. But who was that next to him? 

"Hey Starflight!" Sunny called.

"HEY! Step away from him!" The girl in purple shouted as Sunny approached.

 "Hi Sunny, oh, it's ok Fatespeaker, Sunny is my friend!" Starflight said.

His head turned toward Sunny. 

"What's up!" He said, his eyes were blank as if someone had killed him. The scar wrapping his eyes was pinkish and he still looked in pain as if the debris was still in his eyes.

"Hey Starry, Sunny!" Tsunami and Glory called together, they seemed to be depressed  as if someone took all of their happiness away. 

"Hi Tsu! Hi Glory!" Sunny called back.

They sat down next to Starflight and Fatespeaker. Glory opened her lunch loudly. Tsunami looked much better when she saw that her mom had packed her sushi. 

"Oh, PHEW. I thought your dad would have packed nothing for me!" Glory said, taking out her PB&J sandwich.

"Dad wouldn't leave anyone in the house without lunch! Even if Qibli wreaked his office!" Sunny protested. 

"Ha. I forgot you two live together. My mom won't let ANYONE forget what they need." Tsunami snorted.

Starflight looked at them. "Where's Clay? I thought he'd be here."

"Oh... he is begging for more food." 

Tsunami giggled. They all could hear Clay's whining, "Aww please? Just one more donut? Or ten?" He was making a beeline for the lunch line and Sunny couldn't help but think, why does Clay like food so much?  They all just ate their food.

"Starry! Let's go sit somewhere else, these peeps are Weirdos!" Fatespeaker said, picking up her plate and Starflight's bag of lunch. 

"Hey! My food! Fatespeaker, give that back!" Starflight protested, waving his hands to feel where Fatespeaker was. 

"Give that BACK to him!" Tsunami yelled, standing up.

"No, because he deserves friends like me! Rich, pretty, and not a weirdo like SOMEone. *cough cough* YOU * cough cough *" She said.

"GIRL, take some cough drops! Like you sound like Umbridge from Harry Potter. She ugly, and so are you!" Tsunami shot back.

"Tsunami! You need to-" Sunny started

"Calm down? Yeah I will when she gives Starflight's lunch BACK!" Tsunami interrupted her, which was what she did when she was annoyed.

"Come on Starry." Fatespeaker said.

"I told you! I don't like when you call me that! Stop!" He yelled, just as Clay came in.

"Uhm, am I missing something?" He said, as Tsunami stared at him.

"Uhm, HEY! I heard Umber's giving out skittles! Go grab some! Also, where did all your food go?" Glory replied. 

He pointed at his stomach and ran off. 

"I'll be giving out scars, TO YOU!" Fatespeaker yelled.

"Okay, Ms. OBVIOUS! OH, I AM SOOO SCARED!" Tsunami yelled.

When Tsunami yells, she will lose it. Sunny watched as she picked up her green wasabi  and threw it. Tsunami is in biggg trouble. 

"HEY! THAT'S MY 1009 DOLLAR HAIR! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS YOU BLUEBERRY!" Fatespeaker yelled, picking up her chicken wings.

Sunny watch and, CRUNCH CRUNCH. 

"GLORY! IS THAT POPCORN?" Sunny said, slapping her forehead. 

"Yeah. This is getting intense." Glory said, "Want some?"

"Meh, sure." Sunny said.

They started throwing more and more stuff at each other. School apples and cooking and glazed donuts, one almost even hit Glory in the face! That summoned Deathbringer.

"Don't worry Glory I'm here to protect you!" He said, smirking. 

A piece of food hit him, and he said, "never mind." 

"STOP IT! GIRLS, CLEAN YOURSELVES UP AND COME WITH ME!" Blaze said, walking up to them.

645 words! I am proud of myself :).

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