Fatespeaker Sarah

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No offense to y'all Tsunami lovers, but this was worded by Fatespeaker, and if you are wondering why I made Fatespeaker mean. IT'S FOR THE DRAMA!

Ugh! Fatespeaker is so much better than Tsunami and her ego! Fatespeaker was in the principal's office because of ONE thing SHE started (she = Tsunami). Tsunami was the selfish b***h in the office with her, and she looked like SEAWEED! Like who likes that?

"FATESPEAKER! Are you listening? I will call your parents tonight, and you will get library detention. " Ms.Blaze snapped, slamming her desk.

" But Miss, I-I have to go h-home at dismissal!" Fatespeaker protested. 

"Does the robin fly?" She responded.

" Yeah, but how does that relate to what we are sayin-"

"IT MEANS- everyone does, right?"


"PFFFFT-" The b***h laughed and said, "Girl, learn your English!" and she laughed again.

" I have to agree with Ms. Walton here. Please study your English harder." Blaze said, smiling.

Fatespeaker frowned, and stomped out, "WHATEVER!" Her face reddening. Her sunglasses nearly dropped off of her face. Her jacket wrinkled and her dress got messed up. 

"WhAtEvEr!" Tsunami mimicked, as Blaze laughed.

 UGH! Why would the principal laugh with Tsunami? What a motherf***er!  She stomped and saw Starry. Ohh, it's STARRY! She thought dreamily, with a smile on her face. 

"Hiii Starry~," Fatespeaker said with grace.

"Go away." He said, with Glory at his side.

"You heard him! OUT!" She said, crossing her arms.

"UGH! MY MOM WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!" Fatespeaker said.

"Whatever! GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Glory yelled.

248 words. This was super rushed.

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