8- You did WHAT!?

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I couldn't find Thorn online so I used Stonemover. Credit to whoever made this! It's amazing. 

...WAIT! Before you read this chapter, I want to thank you all for 300 reads! Okay, you can go now.

[Thorn Solari]

"W-WHAT?!" Thorn shouted, getting up.

"If I think you heard me correctly," Morrowseer said, "I said we inserted the formula into him." 

" No! You couldn't have! If you think any of my children are going to accept that I-"

"Oh, no. Your 'Qibli' is dealing with you know...Cobra."

"Please don't!"

"Stonemover will never return to you. EVER again."

Thorn felt tears drip onto her face. She wanted to punch Morrowseer and stab stab stab until he died. "No..." She said. She raised her fist and punched. 

"Nice try Thorn." Morrowseer said easily catching her fist, " I'll see you soon."


Glory Rainfall P.O.V 

Glory thought about what could have happened when Stonemover was taken. He struggled, that's for sure, but what else happened? Why was there a needle? Injection? Of what? 

" Uhm, Hey Glory?" Sunny squeaked.
"AHH- Uh, I mean, Yeah Sunny?"
"Do you want to investigate?" Sunny gestured to the kitchen. 
" Well, what do you think?"
They went to the kitchen to see Thorn crying. "Mom? When did you get here?"
"3 minutes ago." She sobbed. Glory knew how much it broke Sunny.

Glory sighed, "Hey Thorn?"
"Yes, dear?" Thorn said, trying to dry her tears.
"What happened? Do you know about this?"
"Y-yes... just a b-bit."
"What happened, Mom?!"
"Morrowseer, he took your father. Now run along girls, I'll clean this mess."

Later in their bedrooms, Sunny looked furious. Her face was red and she looked like she was going to kill someone. 

"Sunny," Glory said, "Are you oka-"
"AHHHHHHHH!" Sunny screamed. 
Glory stepped back, Sunny's scream was horrifying. 
"Damn Sunny! Calm down!"
"I'm going to find my father no matter WHAT it takes." Sunny gritted her teeth. 
" To be honest, you look like one of those gacha bad boys."
"SHUT UP GLORY!" She growled. Glory stepped back some more.
"Ugh, sorry, I'm just, angry."
"I can relate." Glory said, grabbing her water.
"Why are you grabbing your water?"
"Uh, you don't want to know. But, anyways, I was devastated when my mother and father left me."
"At least your mother is still here."

Glory gulped her water. (Here's some sound effect; GULP GULP GULP GULP GULP GULP) Sunny stared at her.
"What?" Said Glory after she gulped that water.
"You still haven't told me why you grabbed that water."
"I can't drink?! Wow, Sunny."
"I-I never said that! I'm just curious!"
{Starflight Parker}

Starflight sighed. He now had to somehow learn Braille, on his own. Just like every other subject. No one ever offered to help him learn or study. His father was too wrapped up in his discoveries and went out too often. Starflight had to somehow learn how to. He took out a purple folder, or was it his purple folder? Starflight didn't care. He studied this once and he could do it again...Right? 
"Hey, bozo!" Starflight jumped, that was Fierceteeth. 
"What?" Starflight called.
"What do you want for dinner?" Starflight groaned, her sister was the worst at making dinner, plus, she barely ate!
"Can't Dad make something?"
"He's out to a meeting!"
"I know! But what do you want?"
"Do we have any leftover pizza?"
"Then I'll take a mac and cheese."

When that conversation was over, Starflight took out the 35th sheet in his folder. Very bumpy... so this is the paper! A...B...C... This is going to take forever.
(Timeskip brought to you by random magical book logic powers.)

When Starflight was finally done going over it for the 30th time. Fierceteeth called him for dinner. Starflight hoped she hadn't burnt or pranked anything because- DUH! HE'S BLIND. Starflight sat down on the table. and picked his fork up. He didn't smell or hear anything bad so he began to eat. Then, he realized that his sister hadn't even cooked it. 

"FIERCETEETH!" His sister started to laugh. 
"I was just testing if you were blind!
"Come on! You know that explosion was real!"
"I know, OBVIOUSLY. I'm the one who did it anyways!"
"You hurt me! You idiot! I should have known!"

He heard his sister storm off with Starflight's plate. She came back a few minutes later and thumped it on the table. Starflight ate and, oh this isn't so bad!

"I'm sorry, okay? I didn't mean to. It was a dare."
"You usually burn the food, what happened?"
"I've been taking cooking lessons!
"Oh, that's why."
"Do you like it?"
"It's a little watery, but it's fine."
"Aww, thanks!"

738 words! Yay me!

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