Starflight Parker

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Snowfalldaqueen8923, thanks for the first comment I've seen on this story. 

Starflight walked with Glory. He heard billions of millions of chatting. Sunny, by the sound of her sweet voice, was talking about how worried she was. But Starflight didn't care as long as Sunny was with her. 

"Starflight are you even listening?" Sunny demanded, Starflight imagined the shorter girl crossing her arms.

"Gee Sunny, I don't think he wants to know any more about how he could have died." Glory said as Starflight imagined her softly giggling.

Starflight wondered if they would ever get to class. He wished he could see again but This wasn't Aladdin or something. (BTW no Starflight will never >:)) Sunny started to argue but stopped. This wasn't her first time doing that, but then Glory chuckled. 

" Hey Starflight, it's the lunch grabber." Glory whispered.

Starflight groaned. Fatespeaker hadn't given his lunch back. It was probably in some trash can somewhere. He could tell how Sunny rolled her eyes.

"Hey Starry~" she said, while Starflight imagined her forcefully smiling.

"Go away." He said, Starflight feeling his face frown.

"You heard him! OUT!" Glory yelled defending him.

"UGH MY MOTHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS!" Fatespeaker yelled, clearly annoyed.

"I DON'T CARE! OUT!" Glory yelled back.

Starflight flinched at the noise. His ears heard Fatespeaker walking away, was it tricking him? He sighed, happily. Glory could always scare away bullies by yelling at them. It happened to many times already. 

"Hey Starflight, are you going to class or what?" Sunny's voice snapped him back to reality. 

"Oh, uh, yeah!" He stared to walk while the girls made sure he went the correct way. When they got to class, Mrs. Foeslayer was waiting.

" Hi Starflight, come in and sit down! Hi girls, you too!"

288 words? Nice

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