14. I never knew the teacher had feelings!

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Happy new year y'all! Also a happy Chinese new year 🧧!!!! ❤️

-Fatespeaker Sarah-

Starflight was ignoring her and she lost all her friends because of a bet. She was miserable, with no one left to care for her. Her father took her to a tiny apartment and couldn't even earn enough to pay the rent that was listed. She can't stand being poor with all her dresses being sold or returned, and no one to rant her problems to. She was getting less sleep day by day as no one told her to sleep. She wanted to die. She had forgotten what happiness felt like.

At gym class, she excused herself to go to the bathroom, complaining that she was having her period. That was a lie, she always used that excuse and Kestrel always believed her. Starflight looked... so... happy without her. She couldn't eat much and tried to escape any kind of interaction from teachers, and principals... so much stuff was going on around her.

"Hello! Fatespeaker?" Mrs. Coral said, wanting an answer to her question. What was it... What does Hailstorm mean for a hero in the war?

"What," She said bored out of her mind. She fiddled with her pen and got it all over the paper she was supposed to be reading.

"How did-" Mrs.Coral sighed, "How did Fjord die in the Great War?" Mrs.Coral knew she wouldn't know how to answer the question. She rolled her eyes.

"Bleh, whatever. He died because of venom sh!t." Fatespeaker said with annoyance. Mrs. Coral gasped loudly. She stormed over to Fatespeaker's desk with a little pink slip. A lunch pass? For what? Being right?

"You young lady, will see me at lunch. I expect to see you there, and if I don't you will be suspended!"Mrs. Coral snapped. Fatespeaker looked bored but inside she was fuming and sad. She didn't know it would happen to her. Her father would be so disappointed in her.


"So young lady, I see your grades have been dropping a lot lately. Before you at least pass the class, but you are failing. Is it because of something at home or?" Mrs.Coral said, clearly worried about the girl's mental health. Fatespeaker looked down, her clothes were a mess, she was wearing black and her eye bags were worse than ever. Her hair she knew that it hadn't been combed.

"Well my dad, cheated and my mom found out and it was because of," Fatespeaker sniffled, "me... I let my mom find out. I spilled the beans to her. It was supposed to be a secret between me and dad. But ever since he found out that I told her, he ignored me." Fatespeaker cried softly as she explained everything that happened to the entire family.

"Oh, dear." Mrs. Coral gave Fatespeaker a tissue, "I'm sorry, school must be making it worse, no?" Fatespeaker nodded as she wiped away her tears. "You can stay at my place today. I'm sure Tsunami won't mind sharing a room with you. It would help if you had someone with real and good experience caring for you. Don't worry I will tell you father." Did she say TSUNAMI?! Oh no no no no no no no. This will be the worst night ever!

-School ending-

"Fatespeaker dear! Over here!" Mrs. Coral called. Fatespeaker walked toward the big and fancy car. Mrs. Coral was the only reason why she had gotten through the school day. Tsunami saw her and snorted.

"Um, mom...why?" Tsunami asked, clearly displeased. She frowned as Fatespeaker got closer.

"Dear be nice now. This is just temporary. This is Fatespeaker and she will be living with us until her mental health has improved." Mrs. Coral said with a soft tone, "Where are Anemone and Turtle? Gill is having problems with Auklet!" She added with clear annoyance. (Let's pretend that the other siblings don't exist. Please.)

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